Wave Motion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Comments on the relation between surface wave theory and the theory of reflection1981/10/01English64
Interaction of two lump solitons described by the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili I equation2004/08/01English62
Interaction of a characteristic shock with a weak discontinuity in a non-ideal gas2007/04/01English62
Effective non-reflective boundary for Lamb waves: Theory, finite element implementation, and applications2015/11/01English61
Dynamic homogenization in periodic fibre reinforced media. Quasi-static limit for SH waves2006/06/01English61
Predicting the statistics of wave transport through chaotic cavities by the random coupling model: A review and recent progress2014/06/01English60
Exact solutions to the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation1989/11/01English60
On the accuracy of approximate plate theories for wave field calculations in composite laminates1995/02/01English58
Sound transmission through a periodically voided soft elastic medium submerged in water2017/04/01English58
Scattering of SH waves by embedded cavities1982/07/01English57
Characteristics of rogue waves on a periodic background for the Hirota equation2020/03/01English57
Guided elastic waves and perfectly matched layers2007/08/01English57
Bandgap calculations of two-dimensional solid–fluid phononic crystals with the boundary element method2013/04/01English56
Water-wave scattering and energy dissipation by a floating porous elastic plate in three dimensions2017/04/01English56
Fourth order evolution equations and stability analysis for stokes waves on arbitrary water depth1986/09/01English56
On formulas for the Rayleigh wave speed2004/03/01English56
A symmetric hybrid formulation for transient wave simulations in PML-truncated heterogeneous media2013/01/01English55
A polynomial approach to the analysis of guided waves in anisotropic cylinders of infinite length2005/08/01English55
Numerical investigations of stabilized finite element computations for acoustics2004/04/01English55
Extrapolation non-reflecting boundary conditions1996/09/01English55
Exact solutions for the transformed reduced Ostrovsky equation via the -expansion method in terms of Weierstrass-elliptic and Jacobian-elliptic functions2012/03/01English54
Waves in nonlinear fluid filled tubes1984/03/01English54
On the acoustic-electromagnetic analogy1995/03/01English54
Analytical prediction and experimental measurement for mode conversion and scattering of plate waves at non-symmetric circular blind holes in isotropic plates2008/01/01English53
On the reflection of waves in half-spaces of microstructured materials governed by dipolar gradient elasticity2013/04/01English53
Scattering of guided waves by through-thickness cavities with irregular shapes2011/11/01English52
Off-axial acoustic scattering of a high-order Bessel vortex beam by a rigid sphere2011/07/01English52
Long-wave asymptotic theories: The connection between functionally graded waveguides and periodic media2014/06/01English51
The inversion of acoustical impedance profile by methods of characteristics1982/01/01English50
On smooth traveling waves of an integrable two-component Camassa–Holm shallow water system2009/09/01English50