Wave Motion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the vorticity of long gravity waves in water of variable depth1997/05/01English
Response of two layers overlaying a half-space to a suddenly applied point force2000/04/01English
Peripheral waves generated in a cylindrical shell with hemispherical endcaps by a plane acoustic wave at axial incidence2000/05/01English
An optical theory for discrete media2000/07/01English
Generalization of the phase-screen approximation for the scattering of acoustic waves2000/01/01English
An energy-consistent dispersive shallow-water model2001/07/01English
Errata to the paper ‘Rayleigh wave scattering by a wedge. II’ [Wave Motion 24 (1996) 307–317]2002/03/01English
Explicit Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integrals and their accurate numerical implementation1998/09/01English
Free-surface waves generation by a fully submerged wake1998/01/01English
Fractal ring arrays2001/09/01English
Removal of guided waves from seismic data in laterally varying media1998/09/01English
Microlocal analysis of a seismic linearized inverse problem2000/09/01English
Chaotic motion and internal resonance of forced surface waves in a water-filled circular basin2000/05/01English
An approximate analysis of thickness-stretch waves in an elastic plate1999/12/01English
Nonlinear concentric water waves of moderate amplitudeEnglish
Diffraction at jump of curvature on an impedance boundary2001/02/01English
Nonlinear modulation of wave packets in a shallow shell on an elastic foundation2001/06/01English
The penetrable coated sphere embedded in a point source excitation field2000/10/01English
AUTHOR INDEX2002/04/01English
Local orthogonal transformation and one-way methods for acoustic waveguides2001/07/01English
Scattering by periodic cracks and theory of comb transducers2002/04/01English
A note on an asymptotic solution of the cylindrical Korteweg–de Vries equation1999/07/01English
Uniqueness in a frequency-domain inverse problem of a stratified uniaxial bianisotropic medium2000/05/01English
Capillary–gravity wave transport over spatially random drift2002/02/01English
Thickness waves in electroelastic plates2001/07/01English
Numerical modeling of the constant flux spectra for surface gravity waves in a case of angular anisotropy2001/03/01English
Strain kinks in an elastic rod embedded in a viscoelastic medium2002/03/01English
Dispersive–dissipative solitons in nonlinear solids2000/04/01English
Derivation of a higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equation for weakly nonlinear Rossby waves2001/04/01English