Wave Motion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A review of wave motion in anisotropic and cracked elastic-media1981/10/01English532
High-order local non-reflecting boundary conditions: a review2004/04/01English332
Phononic properties of hexagonal chiral lattices2009/11/01English257
Eigenmodes of the time reversal operator: A solution to selective focusing in multiple-target media1994/09/01English215
Guided wave signal processing and image fusion for in situ damage localization in plates2007/06/01English204
Embedded trapped modes in water waves and acoustics2007/11/01English203
A new method of computation of wave fields using Gaussian beams1982/01/01English195
Review of the formulation and applications of the finite-difference time-domain method for numerical modeling of electromagnetic wave interactions with arbitrary structures1988/12/01English185
Variational principles for dynamic problems for inhomogeneous elastic media1981/01/01English180
Elastic cloaking theory2011/09/01English176
Reciprocity in reflection and transmission: What is a ‘phonon diode’?2013/06/01English168
General electromechanical reciprocity relations applied to the calculation of elastic wave scattering coefficients1979/01/01English154
Non-reflecting boundary conditions for elastic waves1990/05/01English147
Anderson localization of ultrasound1990/03/01English144
Applications of the method of complex functions to dynamic stress concentrations1982/07/01English139
The Gelfand-Levitan, the Marchenko, and the Gopinath-Sondhi integral equations of inverse scattering theory, regarded in the context of inverse impulse-response problems1980/10/01English138
Riemann–Hilbert approach and N-soliton solutions for a generalized Sasa–Satsuma equation2016/01/01English134
Wave propagation in layered composite laminates under periodic surface loads1988/06/01English133
Understanding a time reversal process in Lamb wave propagation2009/11/01English133
Love’s formula and H/V-ratio (ellipticity) of Rayleigh waves2004/06/01English129
A new auxiliary variable formulation of high-order local radiation boundary conditions: corner compatibility conditions and extensions to first-order systems2004/04/01English126
A review of shear-wave splitting in the compliant crack-critical anisotropic Earth2005/01/01English125
High-resolution guided wave tomography2013/07/01English118
Two-component integrable systems modelling shallow water waves: The constant vorticity case2009/09/01English118
Hamiltonian long-wave approximations to the water-wave problem1994/06/01English117
Initial stresses in elastic solids: Constitutive laws and acoustoelasticity2011/11/01English116
Generalized Darboux transformation and localized waves in coupled Hirota equations2014/11/01English112
Response of a layered viscoelastic half-space to a moving point load1994/03/01English111
Dispersion analysis of spectral element methods for elastic wave propagation2008/06/01English111
A simple self-consistent analysis of wave propagation in particulate composites1988/04/01English108