Physics of Atomic Nuclei

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Higgs bosons and neutrinos in the left-right model2001/02/01English
Estimate of the polarization fields of a relativistic atom in a solid2001/05/01English
Quark model and production of neutral strange secondaries in neutrino and antineutrino beams2000/11/01English
Parametrizing and rephasing neutrino mixing2002/01/01English
Mean free path of Z=2 nuclei from 3Hep interactions in liquid hydrogen2001/05/01English
Stopping kinetics of fast protons in oriented crystal targets2002/03/01English
Inelastic deuteron breakup followed by fission at intermediate energy2002/04/01English
Cross sections and asymmetries for elastic π3He scattering in the energy region around the Δ resonance2000/05/01English
Polarization experiments with the SPIN setup at the ITEP synchrotron2002/02/01English
Surface instability of a nuclear fermi liquid drop2002/01/01English
Microscopic description of low-energy neutron scattering on a deuteron2001/02/01English
Searches for electroweak γ-Z-Z’ interference at the LEP2 e + e − collider2000/05/01English
Soft dipole mode in the 11Li nucleus within the asymptotic-potential approximation2001/02/01English
Yangians and W algebras2001/12/01English
Can HERA data improve the LEP constraints on the WWV vertex?2000/05/01English
Microscopic approach to transition-energy staggering in superdeformed bands2001/04/01English
Nonrenormalizable superpotential in four-dimensional string models2000/01/01English
Nonconservation of the quantum number K and phase transitions in rapidly rotating nuclei2000/03/01English
Quark combinatorics and meson-production ratios in hadronic Z 0 decays2001/05/01English
Quark interaction with an instanton liquid2002/05/01English
Microscopic calculation of nuclear systems involving nonspherical clusters2001/07/01English
Collimator-size effect on the parametric-radiation spectrum2000/11/01English
About the character of the “Knee” at E⋍3×1015 eV in the energy spectrum and the mass composition of primary cosmic rays in the energy range 1015–1017 eV2000/06/01English
Symmetry and some consequences for spin-particle reactions2000/04/01English
Multiplicity of charged secondaries emitted in association with neutral strange particles in antiproton-nucleus collisions at 40 GeV/c2000/05/01English
Masses of the t and the b quark and their mass ratio m b /m t as a consequence of a dynamical breakdown of SU L (2) symmetry2001/09/01English
Calculation of the volume polarization field of a relativistic particle2000/11/01English
Dripline nuclei2002/04/01English
Skyrmion in nuclear matter2002/03/01English
Phonon-like excitations of instanton liquid2000/05/01English