Animal Behaviour

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The echolocation of flying insects by bats1960/07/01English373
Understanding variation in behavioural responses to human-induced rapid environmental change: a conceptual overview2013/05/01English372
The ontogeny of behaviour in the albino rat1964/10/01English368
Finding a dominance order most consistent with a linear hierarchy: a new procedure and review1998/04/01English368
Measuring and testing the steepness of dominance hierarchies2006/03/01English361
An improved test of linearity in dominance hierarchies containing unknown or tied relationships1995/01/01English361
Roaring and numerical assessment in contests between groups of female lions, Panthera leo1994/02/01English357
Optimal diet theory: when does it work, and when and why does it fail?2001/02/01English353
Territorial defence in the speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria): The resident always wins1978/02/01English352
Voluntary wheel running: a review and novel interpretation1998/07/01English346
Optimal prey selection in the great tit (Parus major)1977/02/01English344
Measuring female mating preferences1998/04/01English344
A method for testing association patterns of social animals1998/09/01English343
Mother species–father species: unidirectional hybridization in animals with female choice1999/07/01English340
Metabolic rate, social status and life-history strategies in Atlantic salmon1995/02/01English335
Developing an evolutionary ecology of fear: how life history and natural history traits affect disturbance tolerance in birds2006/02/01English334
The control of sexual receptivity in female Drosophila1967/04/01English333
Feeding innovations and forebrain size in birds1997/03/01English329
Consistency of temperament in bighorn ewes and correlates with behaviour and life history2000/11/01English328
The role of queen pheromones in social insects: queen control or queen signal?1993/04/01English328
Guidelines for the treatment of animals in behavioural research and teaching2012/01/01English327
Animal play and animal welfare2011/05/01English321
Revisiting translocation and reintroduction programmes: the importance of considering stress2007/01/01English319
Ecological constraints, life history traits and the evolution of cooperative breeding2000/06/01English317
Allostatic load, social status and stress hormones: the costs of social status matter2004/03/01English317
Calls out of chaos: the adaptive significance of nonlinear phenomena in mammalian vocal production2002/03/01English316
Hunting by expectation or optimal foraging? A study of patch use by chickadees1974/11/01English315
Shyness and boldness in pumpkinseed sunfish: individual differences are context-specific1998/10/01English311
A century of generalization2003/07/01English311
Male horn dimorphism in the scarab beetle, Onthophagus taurus: do alternative reproductive tactics favour alternative phenotypes?2000/02/01English309