Annals of Vascular Surgery - Brief Reports and Innovations

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Treatment of aortocaval fistula, a single-center experience in 5 patients2022/09/01English
Recurrent intravascular fasciitis of the common femoral vein: A case reprot2022/09/01English
Idiopathic true aneurysm of distal radial artery aneurysm in Chulabhorn Hospital: A case report2022/12/01English
Stent graft induced thoracic aortic contained rupture after 10 years follow-up triggered by endograft migration. A case report2022/09/01English
Arterial embolization of plastic foreign body2022/12/01English
Recanalization of aortic and iliocaval occlusions by a new catheter-directed thrombolytic system - Report of two cases2022/09/01English
Bronchovenous fistula on cardiopulmonary bypass during an emergency open thoracic aneurysm repair—A case report2022/09/01English
Use of the Outback re-entry device for occluded abdominal aortic aneurysms with bilateral common iliac artery aneurysms2023/12/01English
May-Thurner syndrome is not only a left-sided condition–Consideration of venous anatomical variations2023/12/01English
Evaluation of the efficacy of Fogarty catheter embolectomy combined with drug thrombolysis for the treatment of arterial embolization after free flap transplantation of the foot and ankle2023/12/01English
An assessment of spiral flow graft patency rates in Hemodialysis (HD) patients2024/03/01English
Chronic left pulmonary artery occlusion caused by a distal aortic arch aneurysm: Simultaneous Frozen Elephant Trunk and left sided pulmonary endarterectomy after livesaving TEVAR for aortic rupture2024/03/01English
Modification of the Viabahn Open Revascularization Technique for extensive internal iliac artery aneurysms2024/03/01English
A rare case of type 1 persistent sciatic artery aneurysm repaired with endovascular therapy2024/03/01English
Glomus Tumor in Extra Subungual Locations: A Case Series2024/04/01English
Right Internal Iliac Pseudoaneurysm in Pregnancy2023/12/01English
Unrecognised thoracic outlet syndrome from a penetrating screw after clavicular fracture fixation: Case report and literature review2024/03/01English
Symptomatic bilateral iliac artery aneurysms: Four cases with four different management strategies and outcomes2023/03/01English
Single-stage hybrid repair of a right subclavian artery aneurysm involving the origin of the right vertebral artery2023/03/01English
Safety and efficacy of fluoroscopically guided cerebrospinal fluid drainage for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair2023/03/01English
Resection of a hormonally active carotid body tumor2023/06/01English
Acute dissection of the coexistent abdominal aortic aneurysm2022/12/01English
Intrathoracic spindle cell lipoma causing thoracic outlet syndrome2022/06/01English
Endovascular repair of a prosthetic graft rupture 27 years after extra-anatomical bypass for mid-aortic syndrome2022/06/01English
Thoracoscopic repair of iatrogenic injury to thoracic aorta during minimally-invasive esophagectomy: A case report and literature review2022/06/01English
Anatomy-based strategies for contralateral gate cannulation during EVAR2022/06/01English
External iliac kinking with surprising histopathological findings in a 60-years-old endurance athlete: a case report2022/06/01English
Computed tomography angiography and histopathological findings of intravascular leiomyomatosis: A case report2022/06/01English
Acute abdominal aorta occlusion due to AFX2 endograft collapse following a Stanford type B aortic dissection2023/09/01English
Retroperitoneal semi-closed eversion ring endarterectomy of the left common iliac artery as a bridge for EVAR in a patient with a bilateral obstructive iliac disease2023/09/01English