Solving two-stage robust optimization problems using a column-and-constraint generation method | 2013/09/01 | English | 908 |
A probabilistic heuristic for a computationally difficult set covering problem | 1989/04/01 | English | 472 |
The carbon-constrained EOQ | 2013/03/01 | English | 315 |
Improvements and extensions to the Miller-Tucker-Zemlin subtour elimination constraints | 1991/02/01 | English | 294 |
Robust linear optimization under general norms | 2004/11/01 | English | 278 |
Financing newsvendor inventory | 2008/09/01 | English | 274 |
Translation invariance in data envelopment analysis | 1990/11/01 | English | 241 |
Units invariant and translation invariant DEA models | 1995/10/01 | English | 223 |
Branching rules revisited | 2005/01/01 | English | 197 |
A decomposition algorithm for the single machine total tardiness problem | 1982/11/01 | English | 185 |
Efficient scheduling algorithms for a single batch processing machine | 1986/07/01 | English | 180 |
On generalized Nash games and variational inequalities | 2007/03/01 | English | 173 |
Optimization of a 532-city symmetric traveling salesman problem by branch and cut | 1987/03/01 | English | 168 |
Computational complexity of uncapacitated multi-echelon production planning problems | 1989/04/01 | English | 158 |
Data-driven risk-averse stochastic optimization with Wasserstein metric | 2018/03/01 | English | 135 |
Practical enhancements to the Magnanti–Wong method | 2008/07/01 | English | 134 |
A practical inventory control policy using operational statistics | 2005/07/01 | English | 133 |
Linear utility theory for belief functions | 1989/04/01 | English | 133 |
On the convergence of stochastic dual dynamic programming and related methods | 2008/07/01 | English | 132 |
Duality in robust optimization: Primal worst equals dual best | 2009/01/01 | English | 131 |
Most vital links and nodes in weighted networks | 1982/09/01 | English | 130 |
Consistent weights for judgements matrices of the relative importance of alternatives | 1987/07/01 | English | 130 |
An O(pn2) algorithm for the p-median and related problems on tree graphs | 1996/08/01 | English | 124 |
Finding odd cycle transversals | 2004/07/01 | English | 123 |
Analysis of a GI/M/1 queue with multiple working vacations | 2005/03/01 | English | 122 |
An exact algorithm for IP column generation | 1996/10/01 | English | 117 |
Accelerated label setting algorithms for the elementary resource constrained shortest path problem | 2006/01/01 | English | 116 |
Piecewise linear approximation of functions of two variables in MILP models | 2010/01/01 | English | 114 |
Minimizing makespan in hybrid flowshops | 1994/10/01 | English | 113 |
A simple characterization of solution sets of convex programs | 1988/02/01 | English | 113 |