Signal, Image and Video Processing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Watermarking 3D models using spectral mesh compression2008/10/14English26
Automated facial expression recognition based on histograms of oriented gradient feature vector differences2015/08/13English25
Recursive cubic spline interpolation filter approach for the removal of high density salt-and-pepper noise2013/06/29English25
Robustness evaluation of fractional order control for varying time delay processes2012/05/03English25
Subjective quality assessment of asymmetric stereoscopic 3D video2013/03/16English25
Efficient segmentation technique for noisy frontal view iris images using Fourier spectral density2009/11/25English25
An improved luminosity and contrast enhancement framework for feature preservation in color fundus images2018/12/11English25
Spoof detection on face and palmprint biometrics2017/03/25English25
A new approach for high density saturated impulse noise removal using decision-based coupled window median filter2013/06/04English25
Dynamical analysis of fractional order Uçar prototype delayed system2012/05/13English24
Image denoising using sparse representation classification and non-subsampled shearlet transform2016/01/21English24
A novel image fusion algorithm based on nonsubsampled shearlet transform and morphological component analysis2015/11/25English24
Iterative bilateral filter for Rician noise reduction in MR images2014/01/19English24
Survey of information theory in visual quality assessment2013/03/17English24
A content-based image retrieval system based on Color Ton Distribution descriptors2013/07/20English24
A novel approach for coefficient quantization of low-pass finite impulse response filter using differential evolution algorithm2012/07/17English24
A new fuzzy-based decision algorithm for high-density impulse noise removal2010/10/16English24
A modified statistical approach for image fusion using wavelet transform2008/06/04English24
A highly adaptive directional time–frequency distribution2016/04/27English24
Multi-scale ResNet for real-time underwater object detection2020/11/27English24
ECG arrhythmia classification using artificial intelligence and nonlinear and nonstationary decomposition2019/04/15English23
Feature selection for the fusion of face and palmprint biometrics2015/12/01English23
Additive neural network for forest fire detection2019/11/18English23
A $$p$$ p -norm variable step-size LMS algorithm for sparse system identification2014/01/07English23
New insights into the normalization of the least mean fourth algorithm2011/05/31English23
Convolution and correlation theorems for Wigner–Ville distribution associated with the quaternion offset linear canonical transform2022/01/13English23
Emotional state detection based on common spatial patterns of EEG2019/10/09English23
Robust proportionate adaptive filter based on maximum correntropy criterion for sparse system identification in impulsive noise environments2017/06/24English23
A decision support system for diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders using DWT and evolutionary support vector machines2013/04/30English23
Hybrid non-convex second-order total variation with applications to non-blind image deblurring2019/07/05English22