Signal, Image and Video Processing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Image fusion based on pixel significance using cross bilateral filter2013/10/05English315
Multifocus and multispectral image fusion based on pixel significance using discrete cosine harmonic wavelet transform2012/08/02English186
Epileptic seizures detection in EEG using DWT-based ApEn and artificial neural network2012/08/10English139
A survey on super-resolution imaging2011/02/03English138
On the use of deep learning for blind image quality assessment2017/08/31English137
Land-use scene classification using multi-scale completed local binary patterns2015/07/31English114
A comprehensive assessment of the structural similarity index2009/11/06English113
A new S-box construction method based on the fractional-order chaotic Chen system2016/11/07English98
Introducing the fractional-order Darwinian PSO2012/05/05English94
Image denoising based on non-local means filter and its method noise thresholding2012/10/23English82
Apple disease classification using color, texture and shape features from images2015/09/25English82
Inferior myocardial infarction detection using stationary wavelet transform and machine learning approach2017/07/17English78
Sampling of compact signals in offset linear canonical transform domains2007/07/19English74
A survey on the applications of artificial bee colony in signal, image, and video processing2015/03/12English73
An efficient construction of substitution box with fractional chaotic system2013/11/15English70
Image denoising based on gaussian/bilateral filter and its method noise thresholding2012/09/05English65
Classification of EEG signals using normal inverse Gaussian parameters in the dual-tree complex wavelet transform domain for seizure detection2014/12/31English65
A simple vision-based fall detection technique for indoor video surveillance2013/05/21English61
Sparsity and persistence: mixed norms provide simple signal models with dependent coefficients2008/09/16English61
Passive detection of image forgery using DCT and local binary pattern2016/04/28English61
Deep face liveness detection based on nonlinear diffusion using convolution neural network2016/11/08English58
High performance reversible data hiding for block truncation coding compressed images2011/06/29English57
ECG biometric analysis in cardiac irregularity conditions2008/09/02English56
Automatic facial expression recognition: feature extraction and selection2010/08/24English56
Transients of fractional-order integrator and derivatives2012/05/16English56
Review and comparative evaluation of symbolic dynamic filtering for detection of anomaly patterns2008/05/08English55
Fall detection for elderly person care in a vision-based home surveillance environment using a monocular camera2014/05/14English55
Joint training of two-channel deep neural network for brain tumor classification2020/10/08English53
Efficient underwater image and video enhancement based on Retinex2019/02/18English53
Leaf-based disease detection in bell pepper plant using YOLO v52021/09/27English52