Social Sciences & Humanities Open

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Students’ perception and preference for online education in India during COVID -19 pandemic2021/01/01English272
Locked up under lockdown: The COVID-19 pandemic and the migrant population2021/01/01English43
Psychological distress experiences of Nigerians during Covid-19 pandemic; the gender difference2020/01/01English40
The turn from just-in-time to just-in-case globalization in and after times of COVID-192020/01/01English36
Conflating culture with COVID-19: Xenophobic repercussions of a global pandemic2020/01/01English35
Social solidarity during a pandemic: Through and beyond Durkheimian Lens2020/01/01English35
The socio-economic and psychosocial impact of Covid-19 pandemic on urban refugees in Uganda2020/01/01English35
Technological Pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in action: Application of learning in the classroom by pre-service teachers (PST)2021/01/01English33
Exploring the context of teaching character education to children in preprimary and primary schools2021/01/01English30
An integrative debate on learning styles and the learning process2020/01/01English27
The role of nomophobia and smartphone addiction in the lifestyle profiles of junior and senior high school students in the Philippines2020/01/01English26
Double pandemic: racial discrimination amid coronavirus disease 20192020/01/01English26
Considerations of the impacts of COVID-19 on domestic violence in the United States2020/01/01English25
The psychological distress and mental health disorders from COVID-19 stigmatization in Ghana2021/01/01English25
Lives or livelihood: Insights from locked-down India due to COVID192020/01/01English24
Analyzing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) recent development in education2023/01/01English24
Beyond the social: Cumulative implications of COVID-19 for first nations university students in Australia2020/01/01English24
Why place matters: A rurally-orientated analysis of COVID-19’s differential impacts2020/01/01English24
Stressful life events and social capital during the early phase of COVID-19 in the U.S.2020/01/01English23
When the gigs are gone: Valuing arts, culture and media in the COVID-19 pandemic2021/01/01English23
Coping in isolation: Predictors of individual and household risks and resilience against the COVID-19 pandemic2021/01/01English22
Migrant workers and human rights: A critical study on India’s COVID-19 lockdown policy2021/01/01English22
MOOC’s impact on higher education2020/01/01English21
The outbreak of Covid-19 in Malaysia: Pushing migrant workers at the margin2020/01/01English20
Estimating reliability: A comparison of Cronbach's α, McDonald's ωt and the greatest lower bound2023/01/01English19
Rethinking theories of lesson plan for effective teaching and learning2021/01/01English19
The impact and implications of COVID-19: Reflections on the Zimbabwean society2021/01/01English19
Ghana’s informal economic sector in the face of a pandemic2021/01/01English18
MOOCS and 100 Days of COVID: Enrollment surges in massive open online astronomy classes during the coronavirus pandemic2021/01/01English18
Fighting COVID-19 with the team of 5 million: Aotearoa New Zealand government communication during the 2020 lockdown2021/01/01English18