
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The relation between V1 neuronal responses and eye movement-like stimulus presentations1999/06/01English
Modeling the natural variability in the shape of dendritic trees: Application to basal dendrites of small rat cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons1999/06/01English
Decomposition of neural systems with nonlinear feedback using stimulus–response data1999/06/01English
Reciprocal inhibitory connections produce desynchronizing phase lags during intrathalamic oscillations2000/06/01English
Correlated firing and the information represented by neurons in short epochs1999/06/01English
Neural ensemble states in prefrontal cortex identified using a hidden Markov model with a modified EM algorithm2000/06/01English
Improved finite-time prescribed performance based adaptive neural control for nonlinear systems with sensor faults2023/12/01English
Incremental few-shot learning via implanting and consolidating2023/11/01English
Twice attention networks for synthetic speech detection2023/11/01English
Reducing noise-triplets via differentiable sampling for knowledge-enhanced recommendation with collaborative signal guidance2023/11/01English
Hardware-aware approach to deep neural network optimization2023/11/01English
CTSARF: A Chinese Text Similarity Analysis Model based on Residual Fusion2023/11/01English
Object and attribute recognition for product image with self-supervised learning2023/11/01English
Joint network for specular highlight detection and adversarial generation of specular-free images trained with polarimetric data2023/11/01English
EVOLVE: Learning volume-adaptive phases for fast 3D magnetic resonance scan and image reconstruction2023/11/01English
A self-adaptive dynamic multi-objective optimization algorithm based on transfer learning and elitism-based mutation2023/11/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English
A text guided multi-task learning network for multimodal sentiment analysis2023/12/01English
NUTS-BSNN: A non-uniform time-step binarized spiking neural network with energy-efficient in-memory computing macro2023/12/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English
MCI-HyperNet: A multiple contextual information-based adaptive weight learning network for controllable image reconstruction2023/10/01English
Disentangling private classes through regularization2023/10/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English
Cross-domain video action recognition via adaptive gradual learning2023/11/01English
MARN: Multi-level Attentional Reconstruction Networks for Weakly Supervised Video Temporal Grounding2023/10/01English
PF-BERxiT: Early exiting for BERT with parameter-efficient fine-tuning and flexible early exiting strategy2023/11/01English
Replay attack detection and mitigation for cyber–physical systems via RADIR algorithm with encryption scheduling2023/11/01English
A novel model for tourism demand forecasting with spatial–temporal feature enhancement and image-driven method2023/11/01English
Position and structure-aware graph learning2023/11/01English
Editorial Board2023/11/01English