Communications in Analysis and Geometry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Positive mass theorem for initial data sets with corners along a hypersurface2022/01/01English
Improved pseudolocality on large hyperbolic balls2022/01/01English
Refined position estimates for surfaces of Willmore type in Riemannian manifolds2022/01/01English
Isoperimetric relations for inner parallel bodies2022/01/01English
Jointly primitive knots and surgeries between lens spaces2022/01/01English
A semigroup approach to Finsler geometry: Bakry–Ledoux’s isoperimetric inequality2022/01/01English
Real Higgs pairs and non-abelian Hodge correspondence on a Klein surface2023/01/01English
Confined Willmore energy and the area functional2023/01/01English
Divide knots of maximal genus defect2023/01/01English
Bergman functions and the equivalence problem of singular domains2023/01/01English
On the existence of closed biconservative surfaces in space forms2023/01/01English
Vanishing time behavior of solutions to the fast diffusion equation2023/01/01English
Steklov eigenvalue problem on subgraphs of integer lattices2023/01/01English
Quasi-local mass on unit spheres at spatial infinity2022/01/01English
On positive scalar curvature cobordisms and the conformal Laplacian on end-periodic manifolds2022/01/01English
Morse functions to graphs and topological complexity for hyperbolic $3$-manifolds2022/01/01English
Weighted extremal Kähler metrics and the Einstein–Maxwell geometry of projective bundles2022/01/01English
A two-point function approach to connectedness of drops in convex potentials2022/01/01English
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of indefinite variational problems2022/01/01English
Asymptotic behaviour for the heat equation in hyperbolic space2022/01/01English
A heat flow problem from Ericksen’s model for nematic liquid crystals with variable degree of orientation, II2022/01/01English
K3 surfaces with a pair of commuting non-symplectic involutions2022/01/01English
A generating function of a complex Lagrangian cone in $\mathbf{H}^n$2022/01/01English
Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in higher dimensions2022/01/01English
Extremally Ricci pinched $G_2$-structures on Lie groups2022/01/01English
Degeneration of globally hyperbolic maximal anti-de Sitter structures along rays2022/01/01English
Convergence of energy functionals and stability of lower bounds of Ricci curvature via metric measure foliation2022/01/01English
$J$-holomorphic curves from closed $J$-anti-invariant forms2022/01/01English
Limiting case of an isoperimetric inequality with radial densities and applications2022/01/01English
Effective operators for changing sign Robin Laplacian in thin two- and three-dimensional curved waveguides2022/01/01English