Nature Methods

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multiplexed 3D cellular super-resolution imaging with DNA-PAINT and Exchange-PAINT2014/02/02English704
Single-cell genome-wide bisulfite sequencing for assessing epigenetic heterogeneity2014/07/20English700
Statistics versus machine learning2018/04/01English700
Microscopy and its focal switch2008/12/17English698
Streaming fragment assignment for real-time analysis of sequencing experiments2013/01/01English694
SIRIUS 4: a rapid tool for turning tandem mass spectra into metabolite structure information2019/03/18English694
Parmbsc1: a refined force field for DNA simulations2015/11/16English693
Improving the photostability of bright monomeric orange and red fluorescent proteins2008/05/04English690
Principal component analysis2017/07/01English689
NicheNet: modeling intercellular communication by linking ligands to target genes2019/12/09English671
Higher-energy C-trap dissociation for peptide modification analysis2007/08/26English670
Miniaturized integration of a fluorescence microscope2011/09/11English661
Strelka2: fast and accurate calling of germline and somatic variants2018/07/16English659
Digenome-seq: genome-wide profiling of CRISPR-Cas9 off-target effects in human cells2015/02/09English656
Biowire: a platform for maturation of human pluripotent stem cell–derived cardiomyocytes2013/06/23English654
LipidBlast in silico tandem mass spectrometry database for lipid identification2013/06/30English653
Basic FGF and suppression of BMP signaling sustain undifferentiated proliferation of human ES cells2005/02/17English651
Stem cell transcriptome profiling via massive-scale mRNA sequencing2008/05/30English649
Computational methods for transcriptome annotation and quantification using RNA-seq2011/05/27English648
A primer to scaffolded DNA origami2011/02/25English643
HiChIP: efficient and sensitive analysis of protein-directed genome architecture2016/09/19English642
DIA-NN: neural networks and interference correction enable deep proteome coverage in high throughput2019/11/25English640
chromVAR: inferring transcription-factor-associated accessibility from single-cell epigenomic data2017/08/21English638
PyClone: statistical inference of clonal population structure in cancer2014/03/16English636
Fast and accurate long-read assembly with wtdbg22019/12/09English635
Accounting for technical noise in single-cell RNA-seq experiments2013/09/22English633
Harnessing homologous recombination in vitro to generate recombinant DNA via SLIC2007/02/11English632
Tomographic phase microscopy2007/08/12English631
Real-time imaging of the intracellular glutathione redox potential2008/05/11English623
Counting absolute numbers of molecules using unique molecular identifiers2011/11/20English619