Lanaguage Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Generics and Conceptualizations2019/12/31English
Pre-service English Teachers’ Extensive Reading and Its Effect on L2 Reading Self-efficacy2018/08/01English
Non-aspectual Case and Duration/Frequency Adverbials in Korean2018/08/01English
Exploring the Reference Requirements for Relativization with Special Reference to Korean2018/08/01English
A Comparability Study of Two Standardized English as a Foreign Language Tests2018/08/01English
Reclassification of Non-alternating Locative Verbs in English2018/04/01English
Existentiality and Implicatures2018/04/01English
<φ, φ>-less Labeling2018/04/01English
On the Interrogative Ending –nunya/-unya and –ni in Contemporary Korean2018/04/01English
The Present Situation of French Language Education as a Cultural Subject in Universities2018/04/01English
The Morphosyntax of Jejuan –ko Clause Linkages2019/08/31English
Processing Negative Polarity Items in Korean: Implications from an ERP Study2020/08/31English
The Effects of Phonetic Duration on Loanword Adaptation: Mandarin Falling Diphthong in Chinese Korean2020/08/31English
Speaking and Writing Connections in L2: The Roles of Multimodal Teaching and Learning2020/08/31English
L2 Korean Speakers’ Thematic Role Resolution in a Psych-predicate Construction2020/08/31English
Adorning Materials in Middles2020/04/30English
A New Look at Onset Transfer in Indo-European Reduplication: Dissimilation of Consonant Clusters2020/04/30English
Exploring Searching as Evidence of Development in Interactional Competence2020/04/30English
A Study on the High School French Performance Assessment2020/04/30English
Korean wh-Island Sentences: Individual Differences in Acceptability Judgments and Working Memory2019/08/31English
The Role of Frequency in the Processing of giving and receiving Events in Korean2019/08/31English
Two Types of there-sentences and Feature Specification2019/08/31English
Gestural Properties of the Non-Target Velar Stop /k/ and Its Variance with Respect to Supralaryngeal Constrictions in C22019/08/31English
The Effects of Sentential Context on the Perception of Assimilated Speech by L2 Listeners2019/04/30English
An -(i)na Disjunction Phrase and a Limited Access to a Scalar Alternative2018/12/31English
Effects of types of input frequency distribution on second language construction learning2018/12/31English
The Cartography of RCs in Korean & Japanese:A Comparative-syntactic Approach2018/12/31English
A Study on the Historical Present in Korean Narrative2018/12/31English
On the Intervention Effect Caused by Korean -man2018/12/31English
French Basic Vocabulary Database, Its Microstructure and Information Description2018/12/31English