Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effects of soil-structure interaction on seismic response of PC cable-stayed bridge1995/01/01English
Experimental and theoretical study on softening and pinching effects of bridge column2001/01/01English
Effect of reservoir bottom on earthquake response of concrete dams1997/01/01English
Structural design of buried pipelines for severe earthquakes2001/04/01English
An improved probabilistic spectrum superposition1998/01/01English
Attenuation relations of ground motion for rock and soil sites in eastern United States1997/08/01English
Application of neural networks in natural periods identification and simulation of prefabricated buildings response2000/10/01English
Dynamic soil–structure interaction analysis via coupled finite-element–boundary-element method1999/10/01English
Simulation of strong ground motions based on recorded accelerograms and the stochastic method1998/10/01English
Authors reply to a discussion on “Fragility Curves for assessment of seismic vulnerability of buildings on slopes”2024/04/01English
Dynamic responses of sand-clay mixtures under long-term cyclic loading2024/03/01English
Liquefaction and fluidization responses of level ground retained by sheet-pile wall through centrifuge model tests2024/03/01English
XGBoost-based prediction of on-site acceleration response spectra with multi-feature inputs from P-wave arrivals2024/03/01English
Metamodel-based sensitivity analysis of the optimal outrigger locations for damping outrigger-ATMD systems2024/03/01English
Seismic response analysis of Dagangshan arch dam during 2022 Luding Ms 6.8 earthquake using source-to-structure simulation2024/03/01English
Framework of a performance-based design for liquefaction resistance2023/10/01English
A discrete-based multi-scale modeling approach for the propagation of seismic waves in soils2023/10/01English
Topology optimization on the attenuation degree of evanescent waves in periodic pile barriers2023/10/01English
Validation of strain/energy-based pore pressure model in one-dimensional response analyses using centrifuge tests2023/10/01English
Performance of parallel double pipelines under non-uniform seismic excitation2023/10/01English
Analogue study on the classification and identification of landslide dynamics based on spectral features of slidequake signals2023/10/01English
A probabilistic liquefaction reliability evaluation system based on CatBoost-Bayesian considering uncertainty using CPT and Vs measurements2023/10/01English
Earthquake-induced large deformations and failure mechanisms of silty sands in sloped ground conditions2023/10/01English
Application of mesh adaptive technology combined with adaptive time stepping technology under strong earthquake liquefaction2023/10/01English
Editorial Board2023/03/01English
An updated spectral representation method coupled with generalized probability density evolution method in assessing the seismic reliability of tunnels2023/03/01English
Influence factors on the nonlocal parameter and scale factor in strain gradient nonlocal Biot theory2023/03/01English
Dynamic mechanical response and particle breakage characteristics of calcareous sandEnglish
Seismic response and fragility assessment of freestanding objects with random geometryEnglish