Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stabilized finite elements for harmonic soil dynamics problems near the undrained-incompressible limit1997/04/01English
Dynamic pressures on rigid cantilever walls retaining poroelastic soil media. Part I. First method of solution2001/06/01English
Nonlinear response of surface soil and NTT building due to soil–structure interaction during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake2000/12/01English
Effects of engineering geological condition on response of suspension bridges1999/06/01English
Amplitudes, polarity and time of peaks of strong ground motion during the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake1997/01/01English
Rocking vibrations of rigid disk on saturated poroelastic medium2000/10/01English
Identification and modeling of earthquake ground response — II. Site liquefaction1996/12/01English
Earthquake resistant construction techniques and materials on Byzantine monuments in Kiev2000/12/01English
Response spectrum predictions for potential near-field and far-field earthquakes affecting Hong Kong: rock sites2002/01/01English
Kinematic interaction analysis of individual soil-pile model within multi-block system2024/04/01English
The cyclic behaviour of soils and effects of geotechnical factors in microzonation2001/07/01English
Role of initial static shear on the cyclic response of saturated backfill retained by a sheet-pile wall: Insights from the strain space multiple mechanism model2024/04/01English
Blind deconvolution methodology for site-response evaluation exclusively from ground-surface seismic recordings1999/01/01English
A class of inhomogeneous shear models for seismic analysis of landfills1998/01/01English
A simple engineering model for the seismic site response of alluvial valleys1995/01/01English
Seismotectonic and liquefaction studies of an industrial site in Northern India1998/08/01English
Effect of time on dynamic properties of cohesive soils using improved transfer function estimators1999/08/01English
Stochastically based review of site-dependent response spectra parameters adopted in the seismic design code of Albania2000/12/01English
Comparison between different techniques for evaluation of predominant periods using strong ground motion records and microtremors in Pereira Colombia2000/10/01English
A hybrid procedure for the assessment of design basis earthquake ground motions for near-fault conditions2001/07/01English
A review of considerations on seismic safety of embankments and earth and rock-fill dams1998/10/01English
Identification of foundation impedance functions and soil properties from vibration tests of the Hualien containment model1995/01/01English
Site effects at Euroseistest—II. Results from 2D numerical modeling and comparison with observations2000/01/01English
Interdependency between seismic acceleration parameters and the behaviour of structures1997/01/01English
Sensitivity analysis of site effects on response spectra of pipelines2000/10/01English
Analyses of the cross-hole method for determining shear wave velocities and damping ratios2000/10/01English
Regional and local seismic hazard assessment2001/07/01English
Seismic vulnerability of Kuwait and other Arabian Gulf countries: information base and research needs2001/02/01English