Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Characterization of forward-directivity ground motions in the near-fault region2004/12/01English499
Aseismic base isolation: review and bibliography1986/10/01English455
Processing of strong-motion accelerograms: needs, options and consequences2005/02/01English434
Selection of earthquake ground motion records: A state-of-the-art review from a structural engineering perspective2010/04/01English301
Semi-empirical procedures for evaluating liquefaction potential during earthquakes2006/02/01English297
Liquefaction resistance of bio-cemented calcareous sand2018/04/01English256
Dynamic soil–structure interaction of monopile supported wind turbines in cohesive soil2013/06/01English233
Early history of soil–structure interaction2010/09/01English217
Design of monopiles for offshore wind turbines in 10 steps2017/01/01English216
Finite element analysis of buried steel pipelines under strike-slip fault displacements2010/11/01English209
Stress analysis of buried steel pipelines at strike-slip fault crossings2007/03/01English207
Footings under seismic loading: Analysis and design issues with emphasis on bridge foundations2006/09/01English203
Design strategies of viscous dampers for seismic protection of building structures: A review2019/03/01English202
Evaluation of blast-induced ground vibration predictors2007/02/01English194
Damping formulation for nonlinear 1D site response analyses2009/07/01English191
Processing Italian damage data to derive typological fragility curves2008/10/01English186
Dynamic properties of dry sand/rubber (SRM) and gravel/rubber (GRM) mixtures in a wide range of shearing strain amplitudes2012/02/01English183
Undrained deformation behavior of saturated soft clay under long-term cyclic loading2013/07/01English182
Structure–soil–structure interaction: Literature review2011/12/01English180
Nonlinear behaviour of RC frames under repeated strong ground motions2010/10/01English178
Numerical evaluation of slope topography effects on seismic ground motion2005/08/01English176
Numerical modelling of ground borne vibrations from high speed rail lines on embankments2013/03/01English169
Grey Wolf Optimizer for parameter estimation in surface waves2015/08/01English164
Cyclic response of masonry infilled RC frames: Experimental results and simplified modeling2014/10/01English164
Track–ground vibrations induced by railway traffic: In-situ measurements and validation of a 2.5D FEM-BEM model2012/01/01English164
The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake and response of high-rise buildings under long-period ground motions2011/11/01English162
Mechanical behavior of buried steel pipes crossing active strike-slip faults2012/10/01English162
Full-scale model testing on a ballastless high-speed railway under simulated train moving loads2014/11/01English161
Selection of ground motion time series and limits on scaling2006/05/01English160
Full scale experimental study on vibration scattering using open and in-filled (GeoFoam) wave barriers2011/03/01English159