Topology and its Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sufficient conditions for a local homeomorphism to be injective1992/11/01English
On fibrations that are cofibrations1995/09/01English
Editorial Board1981/01/01English
Calculations of generalized Kervaire's invariant1994/09/01English
Basic embeddings into a product of graphs2000/04/01English
Environments of closed sets, and complements in metrizable spaces1993/06/01English
Strong realcompactness and weakly measurable cardinals1990/06/01English
On the location of fixed points of G-deformations1991/05/01English
Ideal completion and Stone representation of ideal-distributive ordered sets1992/05/01English
Zdeněk Frolík 1933–19891992/05/01English
The Lusternik-Schnirelmann theorem reconsidered1992/05/01English
Editorial Board1986/06/01English
The automorphism group of P(ω)/fin need not be simple1990/01/01English
Homomorphisms of nearrings of continuous functions from topological spaces into the asymmetric nearring1999/08/01English
Local properties of knotted dogbone spaces1986/12/01English
Monotone normality and compactness1996/12/01English
Exotic dihedral actions on homology 3-spheres1991/05/01English
Differentiable structures on punctured 4-manifolds1993/07/01English
Measures invariant under actions of F21990/01/01English
Extending immersions of curves to properly immersed surfaces1991/08/01English
A construction of topological spaces rigid for continuous onto maps — an application of Shelah's Lemma1993/12/01English
On topological quasigroups and multiple identities2024/01/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English
Algebraic aspect of certain admissible maps for classifying spaces2023/11/01English
Relative regular sequences and generalized cohomology of infinite real Grassmannians2023/10/01English
Two questions on coset spaces of semitopological groups2023/10/01English
Examples and corrections concerning R-sets2023/10/01English
Stable equivalence of handlebody decompositions whose partitions are multibranched surfaces2023/10/01English
The quasi-metrizability of hyperspaces2023/10/01English
On the Teichmüller space of laminations fibering over hyperbolic surfaces2023/11/01English