Topology and its Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stable diffeomorphism of compact 4-manifolds1984/12/01English
Editorial Board1990/10/01English
Cell-like images and UVm groups1993/03/01English
Editorial Board1987/02/01English
Generalized paracompactness of subspaces in products of two ordinals2000/06/01English
On the two definitions of Ho(pro C)1988/04/01English
Expansions of k-spaces1981/01/01English
Open problems in topology1991/01/01English
Categorical anatomy of closed graph and open mapping theorems1982/01/01English
Embedding and immersion numbers of manifolds with boundary1989/05/01English
Partial confluence and closed subsets of a graph1993/08/01English
Coincidence theory for maps from a complex into a manifold1999/03/01English
Power series link invariants and the Thurston norm2000/02/01English
The classification of metrics and multivariate statistical analysis1This paper was intended as part of the special issue devoted to the 8th Prague Topological Symposium (Volume 85, 22 May 1998). We apologize for the delay in publication. This work has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.11999/12/01English
On compacta with convex projections1999/06/01English
On the space of linear homeomorphisms of a polyhedral N-cell1986/12/01English
Step functions from the half-open unit interval into a topological space1980/05/01English
Concepts of digital topology1992/10/01English
Rational Betti numbers of configuration spaces2000/04/01English
Author index1994/10/01English
Boris Emilyevitch Shapirovskii1994/05/01English
On special generic maps from a closed manifold into the plane1990/04/01English
Quasicontinuity and Namioka's theorem1992/09/01English
Monads and realcompactness1994/03/01English
CE equivalence and shape equivalence of LCn compacta1993/03/01English
The virtual solvability of the fundamental group of a compact complete flat spacetime of type (n − 2, 2)1997/01/01English
The Pontrjagin class of a homotopy complex projective space1990/03/01English
CW simplicial resolutions of spaces with an application to loop spaces2000/01/01English
The fundamental group of the complement for klein's arrangement of twenty-one lines1990/02/01English