Applied Developmental Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editors' Introduction2002/10/01English
Editors' Introduction: Prevention as Altering the Course of Development and the Complementary Purposes of Developmental and Prevention Sciences2001/10/01English
Preventive Intervention: Assessing its Effects on the Trajectories of Delinquency and Testing for Mediational Processes2001/10/01English
Moving Targets: Modeling Developmental Trajectories of Adolescent Alcohol Misuse, Individual and Peer Risk Factors, and Intervention Effects2001/10/01English
Disentangling Poverty and Race2000/06/01English
Older Adults' Preferences for Future Care: Formal Plans and Familial Support2001/04/01English
Is Ongoing Feedback Necessary to Maintain The Quality of Investigative Interviews With Allegedly Abused Children?2002/01/01English
Political Literacy, Civic Education, and Civic Engagement: A Return to Political Socialization?2002/10/01English
When the Bough Breaks ... : Examining Intergenerational Parent-Child Relational Patterns Among Street-Level Sex Workers and Their Parents and Children2003/10/01English
Exploring Social Capital and Civic Engagement to Create a Framework for Community Building2002/10/01English
The Interaction of Child Care and Family Risk in Relation to Child Development at 24 and 36 Months2002/07/01English
Assessing and Enhancing the Research Consent Capacity of Children and Youth2003/01/01English
Family, School, and Community Predictors of Adolescent Growth-Conducive Experiences: Global and Specific Approaches2001/07/01English
Peer Influence on Adolescent Alcohol Use: The Moderating Role of Parental Support and Discipline2000/03/01English
Using Life-Span Models in Industrial-Organizational Psychology: The Theory of Selective Optimization With Compensation2001/01/01English
Multigenerational Coresidence and Childrearing Conflict: Links to Parenting Stress in Teenage Mothers Across the First Two Years Postpartum2002/07/01English
NIMH Consortium of Editors on Development and Psychopathology2000/01/01English
How Researchers Can Support Community Efforts for Change: Illustrations From Two Case Studies2000/06/01English
A Latent Growth Curve Model of Delinquent Activity Among Adolescents2000/09/01English
A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of Identity as Coping: Linking Coping Resources to the Self Processes of African American Youth2003/07/01English
Teaching Behaviors and Styles of Low-Income Puerto Rican Mothers2003/10/01English
With Gratitude to Professor Richard A. Weinberg2002/01/01English
The Role of Youth Programming in the Development of Civic Engagement2002/10/01English
A Longitudinal Analysis of Internalization of Parental Alcohol-Use Norms and Adolescent Alcohol Use2000/03/01English
Introduction to Special Issue on "Familial and Peer Influences on Adolescent Substance Use"2000/03/01English
The Cultural Construction of Moral and Civic Identities2003/07/01English
Issues in the Economic Evaluation of Prevention Programs2003/04/01English
The Early Identification of Risk for Grade Retention Among African American Children at Risk for School Difficulty2001/01/01English
Editor's Introduction: Methods of Evaluation Research for Applied Developmental Science2003/04/01English