Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Diagnosis with incomplete multi-view data: A variational deep financial distress prediction method2024/04/01English
Implications of the Dominant Design in Electronic Initiation Systems in the South African Mining Industry1998/11/01English
Book review1998/10/01English
Environmental change through financial innovation: A systematic analysis of Program-Related donations2023/06/01English
How to build business ecosystems for e-waste online recycling platforms: A comparative study of two typical cases in China2023/05/01English
Awareness of network security and customer value – The company and customer perspective2023/05/01English
Data sharing for business model innovation in platform ecosystems: From private data to public good2023/07/01English
The monetary value of competencies: A novel method and case study in smart manufacturing2023/04/01English
A configurational perspective for the generalisation of healthcare innovations: The case of a new screening programme2024/04/01English
Exploring the development trajectory of decent work literature: An empowerment perspective2024/04/01English
Focus on yourself: The impact of users' self-focus orientation on NPD ideas' attention allocation in online innovation communities2024/04/01English
Developing strategies to retain organizational insurers using a clustering technique: Evidence from the insurance industry2024/04/01English
Five Economic Activities Likely to Dominate the New Millennium2000/10/01English
A 21st Century Agenda for Technology Assessment2001/06/01English
Recasting competitiveness: Attractive societies and the surprising disappearance of tradeoffs1999/08/01English
Technology and Global Change.1999/11/01English
Special Issue—Navigating Complexity2000/05/01English
The millenium project1997/11/01English
Book review2001/05/01English
Author index-volume 662001/03/01English
The Future of Heroism1998/11/01English
Building Core Competencies in Crisis Management Through Organizational Learning1999/02/01English
University Research Vitalization and Social Contribution1998/03/01English
Current Foresight Activities in France, Spain, and Italy1999/01/01English
Patenting, R&D and Market Structure:2001/01/01English
Institutional designs for long-term stewardship of nuclear and hazardous waste sites2001/11/01English
Biotechnology in forestry: Technological and economic perspectives1995/09/01English