Journal of the Korean Physical Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Enhancement of the static extinction ratio by using a dual-section distributed feedback laser integrated with an electro-absorption modulator2016/09/01English
Effects of Coulomb quadrupole excitation in heavy-ion reactions2016/09/01English
Undulator superradiance of short electron bunches in a confocal resonating cavity2016/09/01English
Quantum optical electromagnetic field and Rabi oscillation in time-varying medium2016/09/01English
Systematic study of baryons in a three-body quark model2016/09/01English
Markovian description of active particles driven by colored noise2023/04/12English
Photoluminescence enhancement in cuprous iodide crystalline thin films achieved through repeated step-growth and rapid thermal annealing2023/04/12English
Radial velocity and light curves analysis of eclipsing binary system V448 Cyg and investigation of its accretion disk model2023/04/12English
Analysis of residents’ radiation dose around research reactor in case of an emergency applying the representative person concept2023/04/12English
Lithium pollution reduction of a lithium charge stripper using a skimmer2023/05/16English
Optimization of two major interfaces in MoS2 FETs with low frequency noise analysis2023/05/16English
Behaviour of dust ion-acoustic solitary wave structures in a magnetised superthermal plasma2023/04/12English
The early development of synchrotron white-beam X-ray topography analysis for crystal investigations at Pohang light source-II2023/04/17English
An efficient convergence method for calculating the angular distribution of electron multiple elastic scattering2023/04/17English
Effect and design of Mn2+ doped ZnO nanostructures for photodegradation and energy storage devices2023/04/17English
Experimental design for observation of long beam-plasma instabilities2023/06/02English
Beam dynamics study for NDPS beam line of RAON2023/06/02English
Design-oriented study on target station for spallation neutron source at KOMAC2023/06/02English
Nonreciprocal spin-wave propagation in YIG/GGG: a limit on the DMI parameter2023/06/02English
Data center of PAL-XFEL2023/04/18English
The light emission and in-plane polarization ratio of (0001) GaInN/GaN quantum well structures grown on a stripe-shaped cavity engineered sapphire substrate2023/04/27English
Hole transport improvement in CdZnO/ZnO light emitting diodes with wedge shaped electron blocking layers2023/04/27English
Performance evaluation of improved median-modified Wiener filter with segmentation method to improve resolution in computed tomographic images2024/02/21English
Development and evaluation of quality assurance phantom for stereotactic radiosurgery2024/02/21English
Reduction in surface adhesion on Ni enabled by micro- and nanoscale periodic structuring in tandem2024/02/21English
Nanoscale mechanical probing of ferroic materials2024/03/08English
Effects of crystal orientation, substrate type, and substrate temperature on residual stress of AlN thin films deposited by different deposition methods2024/02/22English
Long-term analysis of 14CO2 measurement using mid-IR cavity ring-down spectroscopy for nuclear power plants2024/02/22English
The influence of human activity on regional radiocarbon characteristics using accelerator mass spectrometry during the COVID-19 period2024/02/22English
Quasi-one-dimensional transport in graphene under a magnetic field2024/02/21English