
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The suffixing preference: a processing explanation1985/01/0176
A head-movement approach to construct-state noun phrases1988/01/01English74
The dimensions of topiccomment2001/01/0370
A discourse-pragmatic explanation for argument representation in child Inuktitut2000/01/3069
Navigating negative quantificational space2000/01/0169
Competing motivations for the ordering of main and adverbial clauses2005/01/2068
Utterance modifiers and universals of grammatical borrowing1998/01/0168
Measuring language development in bilingual children: Swedish- Arabic children with and without language impairment2003/01/1066
Matching lemmas in a bilingual language competence and production model: evidence from intrasentential code switching1995/01/01English65
Borrowing: the synchrony of integration1984/01/0163
On back-channel behavior in Japanese and English casual conversation1986/01/0162
The indirect object construction in English: an informational approach1995/01/01English60
Temporal interpretation in Mandarin Chinese2005/01/2059
Comparing different models of the development of the English verb category1998/01/0158
On acquiring an (S)VO language: subjectless sentences in children’s Hebrew1990/01/01English56
Interruption in conversational interaction, and its relation to the sex and status of the interactants*1981/01/0150
Parasitic gaps, resumptive pronouns, and subject extractions1985/01/0148
The syntax of the Chinese BA construction1993/01/01English47
Introduction: Prospects and problems of prototype theory1989/01/01English47
The acquisition of verb placement in Dutch and German1990/01/01English46
How grammaticized concepts shape event conceptualization in language production: Insights from linguistic analysis, eye tracking data, and memory performance2012/01/1946
Catapults and pendulums: the mechanics of language acquisition1990/01/01English45
Word-internal code-switching constraints in a bilingual child’s grammar1988/01/0145
Four types of morpheme: evidence from aphasia, code switching, and second-language acquisition2000/01/0145
Accessing the mental lexicon: evidence from incompatibility between representation of spoken and written morphology1996/01/01English44
The linguistic marking of nonprototypical agency: an exploration into children’s use of passives1990/01/01English44
Using distributional semantics to study syntactic productivity in diachrony: A case study2016/01/0143
Vision, shape, and linguistic description: Tzeltal body-part terminology and object description1994/01/01English43
Toward a typology of focus and focus constructions2003/01/0643