
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Buen Vivir: Today's tomorrow2011/12/01English319
Development as Buen Vivir: Institutional arrangements and (de)colonial entanglements2010/02/22English178
The Politics of Ableism2008/06/01English177
The Social Irresponsibility of Corporate Tax Avoidance: Taking CSR to the bottom line2004/08/31English156
Buen Vivir, Degrowth and Ecological Swaraj: Alternatives to sustainable development and the Green Economy2014/12/01English148
Beyond NGO‐ization?: Reflections from Latin America2009/06/01English119
Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining in Southern Africa: Fair accountability or just greenwash?2004/08/31English112
Difference and Conflict in the Struggle Over Natural Resources: A political ecology framework2006/09/01English106
Corporate Social Responsibility and Development: In quest of an agenda2004/08/31English98
Post-Development Theory: Romanticism and Pontius Pilate politics2000/12/01English83
Carbon Trading, Climate Justice and the Production of Ignorance: Ten examples2008/08/18English82
Food Sovereignty and the Contemporary Food Crisis2008/12/01English77
A Review of Corporate Social Responsibility in India2004/08/31English76
Sustainability: Design for the pluriverse2011/06/01English73
Scaling up Agroecological Approaches for Food Sovereignty in Latin America2008/12/01English70
Achieving the MDGs: Health systems as core social institutions2005/03/01English67
Public–private Partnerships for Health: A trend with no alternatives?2004/06/01English65
Agroecology as an Alternative Vision to Conventional Development and Climate-smart Agriculture2015/06/01English58
Economic and Ecological Crises: Green new deals and no-growth economies2012/02/23English56
Power to the Partners?: The politics of public-private health partnerships2004/06/01English54
Beyond the Search for a Paradigm? Post-Development and beyond2000/12/01English53
Food Sovereignty and Alternative Paradigms to Confront Land Grabbing and the Food and Climate Crises2011/02/28English49
The Future of the World Social Forum: The work of translation2005/06/01English47
Representation, Citizenship and the Public Domain in Democratic Decentralization2007/03/01English45
Why Look at Fisheries through a Gender Lens?2008/06/01English44
Introduction: Women's Empowerment: Contentions and contestations2010/06/01English44
The Global Network Society and the Global Public Sphere2003/03/0143
Economic Growth and the Role of Foreign Aid in Selected African Countries2013/06/01English41
Development, Violence and the New Imperial Order2004/03/01English39
Resilience and ‘Climatizing’ Development: Examples and policy implications2008/08/18English38