Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A variation of zero-divisor graphs2015/01/01English3
On the intersection graphs associeted to posets2020/01/01English3
Generating functions of the products of bivariate complex Fibonacci polynomials with Gaussian numbers and polynomials2020/01/01English2
On perfectness of intersection graph of ideals of \b{\mathbb{Z}_n}2017/01/01English2
Right derivation of ordered Γ-semirings2016/01/01English2
Cubic generalized bi-ideals in semigroups2016/01/01English2
A note on soft ideals and soft filters in ternary semigroups with involution2020/01/01English2
The Armendariz graph of a ring2018/01/01English2
Quadratic approximation of generalized Tribonacci sequences2018/01/01English2
Relation between (fuzzy) G\"{o}del ideals and (fuzzy) Boolean ideals in BL-algebras2016/01/01English2
A short note on L_{CBA}---fuzzy logic with a non-associative conjunction2016/01/01English2
On a periodic part of pseudo-BCI-algebras2015/01/01English2
Strong quasi k-ideals and the lattice decompositions of semirings with semilattice additive reduct2014/01/01English2
On ideals of a skew lattice2012/01/01English2
Distributive lattices of t-k-Archimedean semirings2011/01/01English2
A structure theorem for right pp-semigroups with left central idempotents2000/01/01English2
Hypersatisfaction of formulas in algebraic systems2009/01/01English2
Almost associative operations generating a minimal clone2006/01/01English2
Classification systems and their lattice2002/01/01English2
Interior and closure operators on bounded commutative residuated ℓ-monoids2008/01/01English2
On the lattice of additive hereditary properties of finite graphs2002/01/01English2
Hyperidentities in transitive graph algebras2005/01/01English2
On interval decomposition lattices2004/01/01English2
Nd-solid varieties2007/01/01English2
Subdirectly irreducible non-idempotent left symmetric left distributive groupoids2005/01/01English2
Minimal formations of universal algebras2001/01/01English2
Fuzzy n-fold integral filters in BL-algebras2013/01/01English2
The exocenter and type decomposition of a generalized pseudoeffect algebra2013/01/01English2
Zero-divisor graphs of reduced Rickart \b{*}-rings2017/01/01English2
Congruences and trajectories in planar semimodular lattices2018/01/01English2