Asian Communication Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Jaehyeon Jeong (2020). Korean Food Television and the Korean Nation, Lexington Books2021/05/30English
Hallyu 2.0: The Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media2015/12/01English
Male Action vs. Female Inaction: Cultural Implications of Gender Performance in Japanese Video Games2015/12/01English
Book Review - McNair, B. (2016). Communication and Political Crisis: Media, Politics and Governance in a Globalized Public Sphere. Peter Lang Publishing.2017/06/01English
Beyond Global and Glocal - New Chances and Threats in Asia2017/06/01English
Online Privacy in the Post-Snowden Era - A Comparison of Online Services with Privacy-Enhancing Features (PEF) to Non-PEF services in terms of Their Privacy Policies2017/06/01English
Make Your Brand Move! - Effects of Animated Brands in a Mobile Game on Consumer Responses2017/06/01English
Book Review - Hong, Y. (2017). Networking China: The Digital Transformation of the Chinese Economy. University of Illinois Press.2017/06/01English
Book Review - Ainslie, M. J., & Lim, J. B.Y. (Eds.) (2015). The Korean Wave in Southeast Asia: Consumption and Cultural Production. Strategic Information and Research Development Centre.2017/06/01English
Virtual Religion: Opening of Closures or Closing of Open Spaces?2016/12/01English
Israeli Journalists & Religious Identity2016/12/01English
〈Book Review〉 Peter Horsfield (2015). From Jesus to the Internet: A History of Christianity and Media. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. Imagining a History of Christianity and Media in Korea2016/12/01English
〈Book Review〉 Jeffrey Mahan (2014). Media, Religion and Culture: An Introduction. New York: Routledge. Rethinking Media, Religion, and Culture2016/12/01English
Asian Legacy or New Alternative?: Religious Communication in Asia2016/12/01English
Assessing Brand Communication Strategies on Social Media: A Comparative Analysis of Global Brands’ Twitter Usage in the U.S. and South Korea2016/06/01English
Korean Masculinity in Global ‘Hollywood’: Hallyu Megastar Jang Dong Gun and The Warrior’s Way2016/06/01English
Communicating Healthy Food Choice: Cultural Difference in Regulatory Focus2016/06/01English
〈Book Review〉 K-Pop: Popular Music, Cultural Amnesia, and Economic Innovation in South Korea*1)2016/06/01English
<Book Review> Digital Platforms, Imperialism and Political Culture*2016/06/01English
〈Book Review〉 Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere*1)2016/06/01English
The Implications of Information and Communication Technologies on Global Communication Activities2016/06/01English
Can Social Media Be a Place for Women? Effects of Aggressive Comments on User Engagement in Collective Action for Gender Equality in China2024/04/30English
Mapping the Influences of Social Network Site Use on Cybercrime Victimization: Trends and Recommendations2024/04/30English
Vaccine Policies in the Workplace2022/12/30English
Song, M. (2019). Hanguk Hip Hop: Global Rap in South Korea. Palgrave Macmillan.2022/12/30English
Oh, C. (2022). K-Pop Dance: Fandoming Yourself on Social Media. Routledge.2022/12/30English
Researchers Create Articles and Articles Create Researchers: Introduction to the Special Issue2024/04/30English
Publics’ Motivations for Sharing Public Policy Promotions on Social Media and Their Impacts on Publics’ Sharing Behavior2024/04/30English
Open Wide and We’ll See How You’ve Done: Proposing and Testing a Model of Injunctive Normative Influence in Dentist-Patient Interactions about Flossing2024/04/30English
Hong, S.-K. (2023). BTS on the Road (O. Han, Trans.). Seoul National University Press. (Original work published 2020)2024/04/30English