Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Robotic Versus Laparoscopic Right Colectomy for Colon Cancer: Analysis of the Initial Simultaneous Learning Curve of a Surgical Fellow2016/11/01English60
Application of Mental Skills Training in Surgery: A Review of Its Effectiveness and Proposed Next Steps2017/05/01English59
Laparoscopic Subtotal Cholecystectomy: A Review of 56 Procedures2000/02/01English59
Laparoscopic Total Extraperitoneal Hernia Repair: Mesh Fixation Is Unnecessary2000/04/01English59
Fluorescence Ureteral Visualization in Human Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Using Methylene Blue2016/11/01English56
Laparoscopic Versus Open Hepatic Resection for Solitary Hepatocellular Carcinoma Less Than 5 cm in Cirrhotic Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study2018/03/01English56
Laparoscopic Ligation of Internal Ring—Three Ports Versus Single-Port Technique: Are Working Ports Necessary?2008/12/01English55
Comparison of Totally Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy and Open Total Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer2013/04/01English55
Interval Appendectomy for Perforated Appendicitis in Children1998/08/01English54
Laparoscopically Assisted Percutaneous Transperitoneal Nephrolithotomy in Pelvic Dystopic Kidneys: Experience in 15 Successful Cases1998/12/01English54
Extracorporealvs.Intracorporeal Ileocolic Stapled Anastomoses in Laparoscopic Right Colectomy: An Interim Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial2016/05/01English54
The Role of Transversus Abdominis Plane Blocks in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Pathways for Open and Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery2017/09/01English53
Laparoscopic Ladd's Procedure: Treatment of Choice for Midgut Malrotation in Infants and Children2010/05/01English53
Thoracoscopic Repair of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula in Neonates: Evolution of a Technique2012/03/01English53
Computer-Assisted Robotic Heller Myotomy: Initial Case Report2001/08/01English53
The Stretta Procedure for the Treatment of GERD: A Registry of 558 Patients2002/12/01English52
The Effect of CO2 Insufflation Rate on the Postlaparoscopic Shoulder Pain1998/10/01English52
U-Stitch Laparoscopic Gastrostomy Technique Has a Low Rate of Complications and Allows Primary Button Placement: Experience with 461 Pediatric Procedures2006/12/01English52
Thoracoscopic Lobectomy in Infants Less Than 10 kg with Prenatally Diagnosed Cystic Lung Disease2011/03/01English52
Usefulness of Three-Dimensional Modeling in Surgical Planning, Resident Training, and Patient Education2017/05/01English52
Two Decades of Experience with Thoracoscopic Lobectomy in Infants and Children: Standardizing Techniques for Advanced Thoracoscopic Surgery2015/05/01English52
Differential Response of Arteries and Veins to Bipolar Vessel Sealing: Evaluation of a Novel Reusable Device2006/04/01English52
Postoperative Complications in Children Undergoing Gastrostomy Tube Placement2010/11/01English52
Comparison of Thermal Spread after Ureteral Ligation with the Laparo-Sonic™ Ultrasonic Shears and the Ligasure™ System2002/02/01English52
A Randomized Prospective Controlled Trial of Laparoscopic Extraperitoneal Hernia Repair and Mesh-Plug Hernioplasty: A Study of 315 Cases1998/12/01English51
Open Versus Laparoscopic Appendectomy in the Pediatric Population: A Literature Review and Analysis of Complications2012/10/01English51
Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Middle Pancreatectomy2010/03/01English51
Videoendoscopic Single-Port Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Reconstruction2014/02/01English50
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in the Pediatric Population2008/02/01English50
Robotically Assisted Total Laparoscopic Radical Trachelectomy for Fertility Sparing in Stage IB1 Adenosarcoma of the Cervix2008/09/01English50