International Journal of Plasticity

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Plastic anisotropy and the role of non-basal slip in magnesium alloy AZ31B2005/06/01English1,282
A new model of metal plasticity and fracture with pressure and Lode dependence2008/06/01English1,203
A review of some plasticity and viscoplasticity constitutive theories2008/10/01English1,169
Time-independent constitutive theories for cyclic plasticity1986/01/01English1,164
Constitutive equations for cyclic plasticity and cyclic viscoplasticity1989/01/01English1,118
Plastic behavior and stretchability of sheet metals. Part I: A yield function for orthotropic sheets under plane stress conditions1989/01/01English875
Hardening evolution of AZ31B Mg sheet2007/01/01English811
Linear transfomation-based anisotropic yield functions2005/05/01English723
The physics of plastic deformation1987/01/01English702
On some modifications of kinematic hardening to improve the description of ratchetting effects1991/01/01English678
Thermomechanics of shape memory polymers: Uniaxial experiments and constitutive modeling2006/02/01English547
Orthotropic yield criterion for hexagonal closed packed metals2006/07/01English546
A dislocation-based constitutive law for pure Zr including temperature effects2008/05/01English490
Modeling the effect of twinning and detwinning during strain-path changes of magnesium alloy AZ312009/05/01English480
Strain localization and damage in dual phase steels investigated by coupled in-situ deformation experiments and crystal plasticity simulations2014/12/01English408
A conventional theory of mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity2004/04/01English401
An elasto-viscoplastic formulation based on fast Fourier transforms for the prediction of micromechanical fields in polycrystalline materials2012/05/01English400
Ductile fracture: Experiments and computations2011/02/01English400
An internal variable constitutive model for hot working of metals1989/01/01English389
Deformation texture prediction: from the Taylor model to the advanced Lamel model2005/03/01English383
Lengthscale-dependent, elastically anisotropic, physically-based hcp crystal plasticity: Application to cold-dwell fatigue in Ti alloys2007/06/01English369
Mechanical response and texture evolution of AZ31 alloy at large strains for different strain rates and temperatures2011/05/01English355
A crystal plasticity model for hexagonal close packed (HCP) crystals including twinning and de-twinning mechanisms2013/10/01English355
Quasi-static and dynamic loading responses and constitutive modeling of titanium alloys2004/12/01English354
A criterion for description of anisotropy and yield differential effects in pressure-insensitive metals2004/11/01English352
Mathematical modelling of transformation plasticity in steels I: Case of ideal-plastic phases1989/01/01English331
A plastic constitutive equation incorporating strain, strain-rate, and temperature2010/12/01English324
Modeling of shear ductile fracture considering a changeable cut-off value for stress triaxiality2014/03/01English317
Constitutive model for the numerical analysis of phase transformation in polycrystalline shape memory alloys2012/05/01English312
An alternative to kinematic hardening in classical plasticity2011/09/01English308