Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Analysis of musculoskeletal systems in the AnyBody Modeling System2006/11/01English572
Modeling and simulation of photovoltaic (PV) system during partial shading based on a two-diode model2011/08/01English176
Modeling and simulation of a grid connected PV system based on the evaluation of main PV module parameters2012/01/01English155
A comparison of machine learning techniques for customer churn prediction2015/06/01English148
Deep recurrent neural network for IoT intrusion detection system2020/05/01English144
Hybrid simulation–optimization methods: A taxonomy and discussion2014/08/01English136
A methodological approach to analyze vulnerability of interdependent infrastructures2009/05/01English130
Cloud-to-BIM-to-FEM: Structural simulation with accurate historic BIM from laser scans2015/09/01English124
Artificial neural network-based modelling and fault detection of partial shaded photovoltaic modules2016/09/01English124
Steam turbine model2008/10/01English108
Modeling group structures in pedestrian crowd simulation2010/02/01English104
Finite element modelling of machining of AISI 316 steel: Numerical simulation and experimental validation2010/02/01English102
Response surface methodology for constrained simulation optimization: An overview2008/01/01English101
Numerical simulation of mass transfer in gas–liquid hollow fiber membrane contactors for laminar flow conditions2009/04/01English99
Simulation model for natural gas transmission pipeline network system2011/01/01English98
Modelling and experimental validation of external spur gear machines for fluid power applications2011/10/01English96
Agent-based simulation of affordance-based human behaviors in emergency evacuation2013/03/01English93
Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control with chattering elimination for nonlinear SISO systems2009/08/01English93
Simulation studies of inverted pendulum based on PID controllers2011/01/01English92
General frameworks for optimization of plastic injection molding process parameters2014/02/01English91
A PSO-based adaptive fuzzy PID-controllers2012/08/01English88
System dynamics model for optimizing the recycling and collection of waste material in a closed-loop supply chain2015/04/01English87
An Evacuation Decision Model based on perceived risk, social influence and behavioural uncertainty2016/08/01English85
Reliability–redundancy allocation problem with cold-standby redundancy strategy2014/03/01English84
Energy performance and degradation over 20 years performance of BP c-Si PV modules2011/04/01English83
Three-dimension path planning for UCAV using hybrid meta-heuristic ACO-DE algorithm2010/09/01English81
Comparison between two model-based algorithms for Li-ion battery SOC estimation in electric vehicles2013/05/01English81
Comparative study of metamodelling techniques in building energy simulation: Guidelines for practitioners2014/12/01English80
An equivalent method for blasting vibration simulation2011/10/01English80
Fault-diagnosis for reciprocating compressors using big data and machine learning2018/01/01English79