International Journal of Heritage Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Heritage Pasts and Heritage Presents: temporality, meaning and the scope of heritage studies2001/01/01English449
Guided by the dark: From thanatopsistothanatourism1996/12/01English342
JFK and dark tourism: A fascination with assassination1996/12/01English260
The recognition and misrecognition of community heritage2010/01/01English246
The Scope and Definitions of Heritage: From Tangible to Intangible2006/03/15English210
Clarifying the critical in critical heritage studies2013/09/01English129
The Utility of Discourse Analysis to Heritage Studies: The Burra Charter and Social Inclusion2006/07/01English122
Unfulfilled promises? Heritage management and community participation at some of Africa's cultural heritage sites2010/01/01English119
Changing Values in the Art Museum: rethinking communication and learning2000/01/01English115
The significance of values: heritage value typologies re-examined2016/04/15English114
Cultural landscapes: a bridge between culture and nature?2011/11/01English107
Natural and cultural heritage2005/01/01English105
A Framework for Sustainable Heritage Management: A Study of UK Industrial Heritage Sites2009/11/01English101
Forgetting to remember, remembering to forget: late modern heritage practices, sustainability and the ‘crisis’ of accumulation of the past2013/09/01English98
Framing theory: towards a critical imagination in heritage studies2013/09/01English92
Heritage diplomacy2015/05/13English92
Cultural effects of authenticity: contested heritage practices in China2015/01/06English91
Undesirable Heritage: Fascist Material Culture and Historical Consciousness in Nuremberg2006/01/01English89
Does Adaptive Reuse Pay? A Study of the Business of Building Renovation in Ontario, Canada2006/11/01English87
Identifying heritage values in local communities2012/11/01English86
Whose Sense of Place? Reconciling Archaeological Perspectives with Community Values: Cultural Landscapes in England2005/01/01English83
Beyond Eurocentrism? Heritage conservation and the politics of difference2012/10/31English82
Averting loss aversion in cultural heritage2014/08/12English81
The heritage tourist: an understanding of the visitor experience at heritage attractions2017/01/27English80
Conservation values, the authorised heritage discourse and the conservation-planning assemblage2013/11/01English80
Multilateralism and UNESCO World Heritage: decision-making, States Parties and political processes2014/08/12English78
Cultural diversity, cultural heritage and human rights: towards heritage management as human rights-based cultural practice2012/05/01English73
‘Nostalgia for the future’: memory, nostalgia and the politics of class2017/05/22English72
The Conservation of English Cultural Built Heritage: A Force for Social Inclusion?2004/03/01English71
World Heritage Cultural Landscapes2007/11/01English70