Twentieth Century Literature

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Maturing of F. Scott Fitzgerald1997/01/0118
From Griffith's Girls to Daddy's Girl: The Masks of Innocence in Tender Is the Night1980/01/0110
"Anon" and "The Reader": Virginia Woolf's Last Essays1979/01/0110
"Postmodern Blackness": Toni Morrison's Beloved and the End of History1998/01/0110
Magical Strategies: The Supplement of Realism1988/01/0110
The Narrator as Hero1957/07/017
The "I" in Beckett's Not I1974/07/017
Lesbianism, History, and Censorship: The Well of Loneliness and the Suppressed Randiness of Virginia Woolf's Orlando1994/01/017
You Are What You Eat: The Politics of Eating in the Novels of Margaret Atwood1995/01/017
Paul Bowles: Translations from the Moghrebi1986/01/016
History, Biography, and Narrative in Don DeLillo's Libra1997/01/016
F. Scott Fitzgerald and Romantic Destiny1980/01/016
Introduction: Reading Rushdie after September 11, 20012001/01/016
Marianne Moore's "Imperious Ox, Imperial Dish" and the Poetry of the Natural World1998/01/016
Self, World, and Art in the Fiction of John Fowles1996/01/015
The Unpublished Stories: Fitzgerald in His Final Stage1974/04/015
Robert Coover, Metafiction, and Freedom1976/05/015
Flannery O'Connor's Mothers and Daughters1978/01/015
Pound's "'Metro' Hokku": The Evolution of an Image1990/01/015
F. Scott Fitzgerald's Evolving American Dream: The "Pursuit of Happiness" in Gatsby, Tender Is the Night, and The Last Tycoon1996/01/015
Re-Dressing Feminist Identities: Tensions between Essential and Constructed Selves in Virginia Woolf's Orlando1994/01/015
Re-Visions, Re-Flections, Re-Creations: Epistolarity in Novels by Contemporary Women1995/01/015
Conrad and The Great Gatsby1955/04/015
Critical Dreams: Orientalism, Modernism, and the Meaning of Pound's China1999/01/015
Drama and Politics in a State of Emergency: Athol Fugard's My Children! My Africa!1993/01/015
Editing Beckett1995/01/015
Some Problems of a Playwright from South Africa1993/01/015
Virginia Woolf and the Problematic Nature of the Photographic Image1994/01/015
Ethnicity in The Great Gatsby1973/01/015
The Self Is Always an Other: Going the Long Way Home to Autobiography1989/01/014