IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Optimal speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR imagery1990/03/01154
Unbiased converted measurements for tracking1998/07/01154
ISAR motion compensation via adaptive joint time-frequency technique1998/04/01152
A chirp scaling approach for processing squint mode SAR data1996/01/01151
Detection and diagnosis of sensor and actuator failures using IMM estimator1998/01/01146
Optical moving target detection with 3-D matched filtering1988/07/01146
A generalized S-D assignment algorithm for multisensor-multitarget state estimation1997/04/01145
Simple solutions for hyperbolic and related position fixes1990/01/01145
Trajectory deviations in airborne SAR: analysis and compensation1999/07/01143
Performance analysis of bearing-only target location algorithms1992/07/01140
Studies of target detection algorithms that use polarimetric radar data1989/03/01139
Wideband cancellation of interference in a GPS receive array2000/04/01139
Linear FM signal parameter estimation from discrete-time observations1991/07/01139
Optimal polarimetric processing for enhanced target detection1993/01/01138
A Lyapunov-like approach to performance analysis of 3-dimensional pure PNG laws1994/01/01138
The eigencanceler: adaptive radar by eigenanalysis methods1996/04/01133
Ground target tracking with variable structure IMM estimator2000/01/01133
A survey of radar ECM and ECCM1995/07/01132
Moving target imaging algorithm for SAR data1990/01/01130
A grid algorithm for autonomous star identification1997/01/01130
Non-Gaussian random vector identification using spherically invariant random processes1993/01/01129
Coherent detection of radar targets in a non-gaussian background1994/04/01128
Parametric adaptive matched filter for airborne radar applications2000/04/01128
Integrated active fault-tolerant control using IMM approach2001/01/01127
Observability analysis of piece-wise constant systems. II. Application to inertial navigation in-flight alignment (military applications)1992/01/01125
Radiometric detection of spread-spectrum signals in noise of uncertain power1992/07/01123
Tracking a maneuvering target using input estimation versus the interacting multiple model algorithm1989/03/01122
Detecting moving targets in SAR imagery by focusing2001/07/01122
Variability of GPS satellite differential group delay biases1991/01/01122
Comparison of two-sensor tracking methods based on state vector fusion and measurement fusion1988/07/01119