Psychological Inquiry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Fear, Panic, and Anxiety: What's in a Name?1991/01/01English26
Unraveling the Paradoxes of Narcissism: A Dynamic Self-Regulatory Processing Model2001/10/01English26
Mind Perception Is the Essence of Morality2012/04/01English25
Can a Psychological Theory of Ideological Differences Explain Contextual Variability in the Contents of Political Attitudes?2009/08/25English25
“Can't Buy Me Love”: An Attachment Perspective on Social Support and Money as Psychological Buffers2008/12/12English25
AUTHORS' RESPONSE: "Keeping the Self in Self-Conscious Emotions: Further Arguments for a Theoretical Model"2004/04/01English25
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Authors: Emerging Themes in Research on Parenting and Child Development1997/07/01English25
Toward an Expanded Model of Emotion Socialization: New People, New Pathways1998/10/01English24
Attachment and Close Relationships: An Individual-Difference Perspective1994/01/01English24
New Directions for Cognitive Models of Depression1992/07/01English24
The Darker and Brighter Sides of Human Existence: Basic Psychological Needs as a Unifying Concept2000/10/01English24
A Psychology of the Stranger1994/04/01English23
Human Social Motivation in Evolutionary Perspective: Grounding Terror Management Theory1997/01/01English23
Some Reflections on Reflections1990/01/01English23
Is Evolutionary Psychology a Metatheory for Psychology? A Discussion of Four Major Issues in Psychology From an Evolutionary Developmental Perspective2008/01/16English23
COMMENTARIES on "Putting the Self Into Self-Conscious Emotions: A Theoretical Model"2004/04/01English23
Loevinger's Model and Leasure of Ego Development: A Critical Review, II1993/01/01English22
On Discipline1997/07/01English22
Person-Environment Transactions and the Stressor-Appraisal-Coping Process1990/01/01English22
Parental Discipline and Child Antisocial Behavior: A Contingency-Based Theory and Some Methodological Refinements1997/07/01English22
Values, Sympathy, and Individual Differences: Toward a Pluralism of Factors Influencing Altruism and Empathy1991/04/01English22
What's So Great About Feeling Good?1998/01/01English22
Taming Chance: Social Science and Everyday Narratives1998/04/01English22
What a Wonderful World It Would Be: A Reanalysis of Some of the Work of Grossarth-Maticek1991/07/01English22
Does Attachment Imply a Relationship or Multiple Relationships?1994/01/01English21
What Does a Theory of Creativity Require?1993/07/01English21
Implicit Theories in Broad Perspective1995/10/01English21
Bowlby's Theory Grown Up: The Role of Attachment in Adult Love Relationships1994/01/01English21
AUTHORS' RESPONSES: "The Emotional Intelligence Bandwagon: Too Fast To Live, Too Young To Die?"2004/07/01English20
A Place for Traits in Stress Research1990/01/01English20