Open Book Series

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Faster computation of isogenies of large prime degree2020/12/29English14
Approximate common divisors via lattices2013/11/14English14
Isogeny volcanoes2013/11/14English13
Faster integer multiplication using short lattice vectors2019/01/28English8
Imaginary quadratic fields with isomorphic abelian Galois groups2013/11/14English7
Fast computation of isomorphisms of hyperelliptic curves and explicit Galois descent2013/11/14English6
Iterated Coleman integration for hyperelliptic curves2013/11/14English6
Computing endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves and connections to path-finding in isogeny graphs2020/12/29English4
Elliptic factors in Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves with certain automorphism groups2013/11/14English4
A database of Belyi maps2019/01/28English4
Conditionally bounding analytic ranks of elliptic curves2013/11/14English3
On the evaluation of modular polynomials2013/11/14English3
Supersingular curves with small noninteger endomorphisms2020/12/29English3
Counting points on superelliptic curves in average polynomial time2020/12/29English3
Genus 3 hyperelliptic curves with CM via Shimura reciprocity2020/12/29English3
Constructing and tabulating dihedral function fields2013/11/14English3
Numerical computation of endomorphism rings of Jacobians2019/01/28English3
Principally polarized squares of elliptic curves with field of moduli equal to ℚ2019/01/28English3
On the construction of class fields2019/01/28English3
Zeta functions of nondegenerate hypersurfaces in toric varieties via controlled reduction in p-adic cohomology2019/01/28English3
Fast Jacobian arithmetic for hyperelliptic curves of genus 32019/01/28English2
A database of nonhyperelliptic genus-3 curves over ℚ2019/01/28English2
Fast multiquadratic S-unit computation and application to the calculation of class groups2019/01/28English2
Explicit 5-descent on elliptic curves2013/11/14English2
Explicit descent in the Picard group of a cyclic cover of the projective line2013/11/14English2
Haberland’s formula and numerical computation of Petersson scalar products2013/11/14English2
Computation of paramodular forms2020/12/29English2
Finding ECM-friendly curves through a study of Galois properties2013/11/14English2
Two grumpy giants and a baby2013/11/14English2
Deterministic elliptic curve primality proving for a special sequence of numbers2013/11/14English2