Human Movement Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Selection of gait parameters during constrained walking2023/06/01English
Utilising dynamic motor control index to identify age-related differences in neuromuscular controlEnglish
How do features of dynamic postural stability change with age during quiet standing, gait, and obstacle crossing?English
Editorial Board2024/04/01English
Neuroelectric indices of pre-motor planning and adiposity are selectively related to balance in childrenEnglish
How spotting technique affects dizziness and postural stability after full-body rotations in dancersEnglish
Dyad motor learning in a wrist-robotic environment: Learning together is better than learning alone2024/02/01English
Diabetic older women without peripheral neuropathy amplify body sway but are capable of improving postural stability during a saccadic gaze task2023/12/01English
The effect of inherent and incidental constraints on bimanual force control in simulated Martian gravityEnglish
Quiet standing and anteroposterior limits of stability in adolescents and young adults with bilateral spastic cerebral palsyEnglish
Impaired performance of rapid grip in people with Parkinson's disease and motor segmentationEnglish
An analysis of the effect of motor experience on muscle synergy in the badminton jump smashEnglish
Feasibility of predicting functional decline in the elderly through key posture information during sit-to-stand movementEnglish
Combination of narrow and wide bandwidth knowledge of performance in the acquisition of a complex sports motor skillEnglish
Joint kinematics and SPM analysis of gait in children with and without Down syndromeEnglish
Mechanical environment influences muscle activity during infant rollingEnglish
Visual cue spatial context affects performance of anticipatory postural adjustmentsEnglish
Visual modulation of interceptive action A reply to Savelsbergh1995/06/01English
First-order statistics of human stabilogram2001/12/01English
Velocity-dependent activation of postural muscles in a simple two-joint synergy1995/10/01English
Effect of verbal cues on the coupling and stability of anti-phase bimanual coordination pattern in children with probable developmental coordination disorder2024/04/01English
Postural control and co-ordination disorders: The swinging room revisited1998/08/01English
3-D analysis of human movement1997/04/01English
Abnormalities of motor and praxis imagery in children with DCD2001/03/01English
Perceptual-motor difficulties and their concomitants in six-year-old children born prematurely1998/08/01English
Effects of physical characteristics on the gait transition speed during human locomotion1995/09/01English
The influence of speed and force on bimanual finger tapping patterns2001/11/01English
Harmonic analysis of a complex motor behavior1996/12/01English