Food and Agricultural Immunology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
IgE, IgG, TSLP, Il 25 and IL 33 in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients sensitized to shrimp allergens2021/01/01English
Biotin–streptavidin system-based real-time immuno-polymerase chain reaction for sensitive detection of 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether in marine fish2018/01/01English
Editorial Board2016/09/30English
Editorial Board2015/09/02English
Fine Structures of Epitopic Sites in Human and Bovine Lactoferrin Recognized by Anti-bovine Lactoferrin C-Lobe Monoclonal Antibody2002/06/01English
Fermented field water-dropwort (Oenanthe javanica) alleviates diet-induced non-alcoholic steatohepatitis2022/01/20English
Immune background state among the residents of the north, depending on nutrition type2022/05/24English
Sensitisation to molecular components of fungi in atopic dermatitis patients, the relation to the occurrence of food hypersensitivity reactions2022/05/25English
Immune-enhancing effects of Hibiscus syriacus roots in RAW264.7 macrcophages2022/08/16English
Solanum nigrum induces macrophage activation through TLR4-mediated activation of JNK and macrophage autophagy through TLR4-mediated activation of p38 and JNK2022/08/16English
Rice sprouts exert immunostimulatory activity in mouse macrophages, RAW264.7 cells2021/01/01English
The role of PR 10 proteins and molecular components of moulds and yeast in atopic dermatitis patients2022/10/20English
A semi-quantitative multi-range lateral flow immunoassay for amantadine residues in livestock and poultry products2022/10/30English
The effect of the multi-strain probiotic preparation EM Bokashi® on selected parameters of the cellular immune response in pigs2022/02/17English
Editorial Board2014/09/09English
Active or passive immunisation against cholecystokinin-33 stimulates growth of pigs2009/12/01English
Oral administration of a fruiting body extract ofBoletopsis leucomelasenhances intestinal IgA production in LPS-challenged mice2013/10/17English
Effects of addition of salt to bread on IgE antibody responses2006/09/01English
The effects of vitamin A supplementation on the production of hypersensitive inflammatory mediators of ammonia-induced airways of pigs2008/12/01English
Effects of dietary supplementation of wheat starch processing wastewater on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and immune function in sheep2018/01/01English
Effect of peanut addition to the cafeteria diet on adiposity and inflammation in zebrafish (Danio rerio)2018/01/01English
Differential modulation of toll-like receptor agonists-induced iNOS expression by polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids2017/05/22English
Impact of consumption of the human milk oligosaccharides 2′-FL and LNnT on reduction of risk of allergic sensitisation2024/02/29English
Protective effects of an aqueous extract of Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis larvae in an ovalbumin-induced murine model of asthma2023/11/22English
Overdose intake of Neu5Gc triggers colorectal inflammation and alters liver metabolism2023/11/22English
The enhancement of bioactive phytochemicals in agarwood leaves by post-harvest application using yeast extract elicitors and evaluation of their bioactivities2023/11/08English
RNA-seq based transcriptome analysis of murine macrophages RAW264.7 treated with multi-herbal extracts reveals immunomodulatory potential and mechanism2023/03/30English
Production of monoclonal antibody and development of an icELISA for the detection of paxilline in grain2024/01/28English
Paecilomyces cicadae : a systematic overview of the biological activities and potential mechanisms of its active metabolites2023/08/11English
Molecular mechanisms and biomarkers underlying the protective roles of the nutraceutical laminarin against ischaemic strokes2023/08/27English