Journal of Systems and Software

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The state of the art on design patterns: A systematic mapping of the literature2017/03/01English46
The novel bilateral – Diffusion image encryption algorithm with dynamical compound chaos2012/04/01English46
EASY: Efficient semAntic Service discoverY in pervasive computing environments with QoS and context support2008/05/01English46
Slice-based statistical fault localization2014/03/01English46
A critical examination of recent industrial surveys on agile method usage2014/08/01English46
Coopetitive relationships in cross-functional software development teams: How to model and measure?2012/05/01English45
Complex event processing with T-REX2012/08/01English45
A survey of architecture design rationale2006/12/01English45
GTCharge: A game theoretical collaborative charging scheme for wireless rechargeable sensor networks2016/11/01English45
A systematic mapping study of mobile application testing techniques2016/07/01English45
A survey study on major technical barriers affecting the decision to adopt cloud services2015/05/01English45
A survey study of critical success factors in agile software projects in former Yugoslavia IT companies2013/06/01English45
A solution of dynamic VMs placement problem for energy consumption optimization based on evolutionary game theory2015/03/01English45
A rationale-based architecture model for design traceability and reasoning2007/06/01English45
Varied PVD+LSB evading detection programs to spatial domain in data embedding systems2010/10/01English45
Further observation on proxy re-encryption with keyword search2012/03/01English45
Software quality and IS project performance improvements from software development process maturity and IS implementation strategies2007/04/01English44
Automated error analysis for the agilization of feature modeling2008/06/01English44
An empirical study on pareto based multi-objective feature selection for software defect prediction2019/06/01English44
High capacity reversible data hiding scheme based upon discrete cosine transformation2012/10/01English44
A novel global harmony search algorithm for task assignment problem2010/10/01English44
Efficient multi-objective higher order mutation testing with genetic programming2010/12/01English44
AIOLOS: Middleware for improving mobile application performance through cyber foraging2012/11/01English44
Bridging metamodels and ontologies in software engineering2011/02/01English44
Source code metrics: A systematic mapping study2017/06/01English44
Software development risk and project performance measurement: Evidence in Korea2007/04/01English44
Examining the influences of external expertise and in-house computer/IT knowledge on ERP system success2011/12/01English44
A graphical-based password keystroke dynamic authentication system for touch screen handheld mobile devices2012/05/01English44
What do software practitioners really think about project success: an exploratory study2005/11/01English44
A difference expansion oriented data hiding scheme for restoring the original host images2006/12/01English44