Cambridge Journal of Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the analogy between real reductive groups and Cartan motion groups: the Mackey–Higson bijection2021/01/01English
Geometric flows for the Type IIA string2021/01/01English
Concavity properties of solutions to Robin problems2021/01/01English
Fourier–Jacobi cycles and arithmetic relative trace formula (with an appendix by Chao Li and Yihang Zhu)2021/01/01English
Uniqueness of the minimizer of the normalized volume function2021/01/01English
Canonical currents and heights for K3 surfaces2023/01/01English
$p$-adic shtukas and the theory of global and local Shimura varieties2024/01/01English
Scattering rigidity for analytic metrics2024/01/01English
Metric SYZ conjecture for certain toric Fano hypersurfaces2024/01/01English
Motivic infinite loop spaces2021/01/01English
Congruences of algebraic automorphic forms and supercuspidal representations2021/01/01English
Well-posedness of free boundary hard phase fluids in Minkowski background and their Newtonian limit2021/01/01English
An infinite-dimensional phenomenon in finite-dimensional metric topology2020/01/01English
Homotopy invariant presheaves with framed transfers2020/01/01English
Twisted orbital integrals and irreducible components of affine Deligne–Lusztig varieties2020/01/01English
Arithmetic subspaces of moduli spaces of rank one local systems2020/01/01English
Hermitian $K$-theory, Dedekind $\zeta$-functions, and quadratic forms over rings of integers in number fields2020/01/01English
One-sided curvature estimates for H-disks2020/01/01English
On Yau’s uniformization conjecture2019/01/01English
A Riemann–Hilbert correspondence in positive characteristic2019/01/01English
A restriction isomorphism for zero-cycles with coefficients in Milnor K-theory2019/01/01English
Indefinite theta functions arising in Gromov–Witten theory of elliptic orbifolds2018/01/01English
The sharp quantitative Euclidean concentration inequality2018/01/01English
On the $p$-part of the Birch–Swinnerton-Dyer formula for multiplicative primes2018/01/01English
Erratum to: Basic loci of Coxeter type in Shimura varieties2018/01/01English
Addendum to: “Dynamics around the double resonance”2017/01/01English
Algebraization and Tannaka duality2016/01/01English
Morse index and multiplicity of min-max minimal hypersurfaces2016/01/01English
Linear relations among double zeta values in positive characteristic2016/01/01English
Invariance of quantum rings under ordinary flops III: A quantum splitting principle2016/01/01English