
Title Publication Date Language Citations
GROMACS: High performance molecular simulations through multi-level parallelism from laptops to supercomputers2015/09/01English12,958
Recent developments in libxc — A comprehensive library of functionals for density functional theory2018/01/01English367
MOOSE: Enabling massively parallel multiphysics simulation2020/01/01English354
Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo2021/01/01English270
TauFactor: An open-source application for calculating tortuosity factors from tomographic data2016/01/01English247
JDFTx: Software for joint density-functional theory2017/01/01English243
CBE Thermal Comfort Tool: Online tool for thermal comfort calculations and visualizations2020/07/01English154
TSFEL: Time Series Feature Extraction Library2020/01/01English150
Improved version of the PHOBOS Glauber Monte Carlo2015/09/01English143
OpenSeesPy: Python library for the OpenSees finite element framework2018/01/01English135
RTransferEntropy — Quantifying information flow between different time series using effective transfer entropy2019/07/01English97
Qudi: A modular python suite for experiment control and data processing2017/01/01English90
pybliometrics: Scriptable bibliometrics using a Python interface to Scopus2019/07/01English87
ixpeobssim: A simulation and analysis framework for the imaging X-ray polarimetry explorer2022/07/01English77
Baseliner: An open-source, interactive tool for processing sap flux data from thermal dissipation probes2016/01/01English76
Blaze-DEMGPU: Modular high performance DEM framework for the GPU architecture2016/01/01English68
Water cycle algorithm: A detailed standard code2016/01/01English67
TomoWarp2: A local digital volume correlation code2017/01/01English64
tgcd: An R package for analyzing thermoluminescence glow curves2016/01/01English64
NetKet: A machine learning toolkit for many-body quantum systems2019/07/01English64
Sherpa: Robust hyperparameter optimization for machine learning2020/07/01English63
sDNA: 3-d spatial network analysis for GIS, CAD, Command Line & Python2020/07/01English59
pythermalcomfort: A Python package for thermal comfort research2020/07/01English58
Usiigaci: Instance-aware cell tracking in stain-free phase contrast microscopy enabled by machine learning2019/01/01English56
Ecosampler: A new approach to assessing parameter uncertainty in Ecopath with Ecosim2018/01/01English56
Switch 2.0: A modern platform for planning high-renewable power systems2019/07/01English52
pysimm: A python package for simulation of molecular systems2017/01/01English50
A Stepwise Fitting Procedure for automated fitting of Ecopath with Ecosim models2016/01/01English48
FMC—Earthquake focal mechanisms data management, cluster and classification2019/01/01English47
PyLops—A linear-operator Python library for scalable algebra and optimization2020/01/01English46