International Journal of Fatigue

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the mechanical behaviour of titanium alloy TiAl6V4 manufactured by selective laser melting: Fatigue resistance and crack growth performance2013/03/01English971
Effects of defects, inclusions and inhomogeneities on fatigue strength1994/04/01English658
Simple rainflow counting algorithms1982/01/01English594
Additive manufacturing of fatigue resistant materials: Challenges and opportunities2017/05/01English579
The physics of fatigue crack initiation2013/12/01English477
Microstructure-sensitive computational modeling of fatigue crack formation2010/09/01English401
A comparison of fatigue strength sensitivity to defects for materials manufactured by AM or traditional processes2017/01/01English387
Critical assessment of the fatigue performance of additively manufactured Ti–6Al–4V and perspective for future research2016/04/01English382
Effects of building orientation and heat treatment on fatigue behavior of selective laser melted 17-4 PH stainless steel2017/01/01English380
Quantitative evaluation of effects of non-metallic inclusions on fatigue strength of high strength steels. I: Basic fatigue mechanism and evaluation of correlation between the fatigue fracture stress and the size and location of non-metallic inclusions1989/09/01English346
Roles of microstructure in fatigue crack initiation2010/09/01English331
Oxides, porosity and fatigue performance of AlSi10Mg parts produced by selective laser melting2017/01/01English321
Influence of defects, surface roughness and HIP on the fatigue strength of Ti-6Al-4V manufactured by additive manufacturing2018/12/01English315
Subsurface crack initiation and propagation mechanism in high-strength steel in a very high cycle fatigue regime2006/11/01English304
Fatigue life of additively manufactured Ti–6Al–4V in the very high cycle fatigue regime2017/01/01English303
Ratchetting: Recent progresses in phenomenon observation, constitutive modeling and application2008/08/01English284
Course of SN-curves especially in the high-cycle fatigue regime with regard to component design and safety2007/12/01English279
Multiaxial fatigue: An overview and some approximation models for life estimation2011/08/01English273
A new definition of the rainflow cycle counting method1987/04/01English254
Analysis of the fatigue strength of a stainless steel based on the energy dissipation2007/01/01English254
Standardization of the rainflow counting method for fatigue analysis1994/06/01English251
Fatigue performance of additive manufactured TiAl6V4 using electron and laser beam melting2017/01/01English247
Flexural fatigue performance of concrete containing nano-particles for pavement2007/07/01English242
Rapid calculations of notch stress intensity factors based on averaged strain energy density from coarse meshes: Theoretical bases and applications2010/10/01English242
Cyclic deformation and fatigue properties of very fine-grained metals and alloys2010/09/01English238
A two parameter driving force for fatigue crack growth analysis2005/10/01English224
Fatigue properties of a titanium alloy (Ti–6Al–4V) fabricated via electron beam melting (EBM): Effects of internal defects and residual stress2017/01/01English224
Spectral methods for lifetime prediction under wide-band stationary random processes2005/08/01English220
Fatigue behaviour of light alloys with ultrafine grain structure produced by severe plastic deformation: An overview2010/06/01English218
Surface roughness effects on the fatigue strength of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V2018/11/01English216