Whiteness and Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dismantling power and privilege through reflexivity: negotiating normative Whiteness, the Eurocentric curriculum and racial micro-aggressions within the Academy2018/07/03English45
Institutionalised whiteness, racial microaggressions and black bodies out of place in Higher Education2019/01/02English41
From critical whiteness studies to a critical study of whiteness: restoring criticality in critical whiteness studies2021/11/08English37
Unmasking white fragility: how whiteness and white student resistance impacts anti-racist education2019/10/09English36
Training for colour-blindness: white racial socialisation2016/07/02English30
Peer relations in higher education: raced, classed and gendered constructions and Othering2016/01/02English19
Tropics of whiteness: metaphor and the literary turn in white studies2016/01/02English18
Discomforting presence in the classroom – the affective technologies of race, racism and whiteness2020/09/10English16
White anti-racists and belonging2017/01/02English16
Beyond discomfort? Equity coaching to disrupt whiteness2018/07/03English14
Barriers and breakthroughs: engaging in socially just ways towards issues of indigeneity, identity, and whiteness in teacher education2019/01/02English13
Critical race theory and the teacher education curriculum: challenging understandings of racism, whiteness, and white supremacy2020/08/31English13
‘Your focus on race is narrow and exclusive:’ the derailment of anti-racist work through discourses of intersectionality and diversity2016/01/02English12
Remaining vigilant: reflexive considerations for white researchers studying whiteness2020/03/15English12
Leaving behind the rhetoric of allyship2020/07/02English12
Teaching to deconstruct whiteness in higher education2017/01/02English11
‘I’m not racist; my high school was diverse!’ white preservice teachers deploydiversityin the classroom2017/07/03English10
Leaning into the discomfort and embracing the disruption: a Freirean approach to (de)colonised social work teaching in Australia2018/07/03English9
Mapping socio-spatial constructions of normalcy: whiteness and ability in teacher candidates’ educational trajectories2020/08/05English9
Eastern European migrants’ experiences of racism in English schools: positions of marginal whiteness and linguistic otherness2019/01/02English9
Instruments of white supremacy: people of colour resisting white domination in higher education2018/01/02English8
What about race?: internalised dominance in the Opt Out Florida movement2019/06/19English8
What learning is needed for white teachers’ race-visible teaching? Racialised curriculum recoding of cherished knowledges2017/01/02English7
When racism and masculinity collide: some methodological considerations from a Man of Colour studying Whiteness2016/01/02English7
Speaking the unspeakable: the role of speech in a pedagogy of critical whiteness2018/01/02English7
Whiteness and antiracist pedagogy: a critical discourse analysis of two trans* educators’ classroom experiences2020/03/10English7
The ‘I’ in Identity: A White Future Teacher Confronts Race in an Urban School2020/01/02English7
Equity traps then and now: deficit thinking, racial erasure and naïve acceptance of meritocracy2016/01/02English7
Step into the discomfort: (re)orienting the white gaze and strategies to disrupt whiteness in educational spaces2020/08/16English6
The method of avoidance: Niceness as whiteness in segregated Chicanx schools2019/07/03English6