Europhysics Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Lattice BGK Models for Navier-Stokes Equation1992/02/013,667
Simulating Microscopic Hydrodynamic Phenomena with Dissipative Particle Dynamics1992/06/012,891
Statistical Mechanics of Dissipative Particle Dynamics1995/05/012,189
Recurrence Plots of Dynamical Systems1987/11/011,793
Size-Dependent Depression of the Glass Transition Temperature in Polymer Films1994/07/011,529
Stability and Band Gap Constancy of Boron Nitride Nanotubes1994/11/101,293
Simulated Tempering: A New Monte Carlo Scheme1992/07/151,156
Interatomic Potentials from First-Principles Calculations: The Force-Matching Method1994/06/101,150
Micromagnetic understanding of current-driven domain wall motion in patterned nanowires2005/03/01893
Observation of Fermi-surface–dependent nodeless superconducting gaps in Ba 0.6 K 0.4 Fe 2 As 22008/07/14863
Pearl drops1999/07/15836
Dynamics of Dzyaloshinskii domain walls in ultrathin magnetic films2012/12/01835
Phase Behaviour of Colloid + Polymer Mixtures1992/11/15814
The Neutron Halo of Extremely Neutron-Rich Nuclei1987/08/15690
Lattice Gas Dynamics with Enhanced Collisions1989/06/15689
Roughness-induced non-wetting2000/10/15688
Dynamic Simulations of Hard-Sphere Suspensions Under Steady Shear1993/01/20660
Ab initio Force Constant Approach to Phonon Dispersion Relations of Diamond and Graphite1995/12/20634
Competing orders and spin-density-wave instability in La(O 1−x F x )FeAs2008/06/27610
Superconductivity in the iron-based F-doped layered quaternary compound Nd[O 1 − x F x ]FeAs2008/05/19603
Superconductivity and phase diagram in iron-based arsenic-oxides ReFeAsO 1−δ (Re = rare-earth metal) without fluorine doping2008/06/11602
Boltzmann Approach to Lattice Gas Simulations1989/08/01600
Growth with Surface Diffusion1990/11/01586
Experimental Evidence for a Photon Anticorrelation Effect on a Beam Splitter: A New Light on Single-Photon Interferences1986/02/15583
Structural Phase Transitions in the Fullerene C 601992/02/21562
Thorium-doping–induced superconductivity up to 56 K in Gd 1−x Th x FeAsO2008/09/01558
Rough wetting2001/07/01541
Competition and multiscaling in evolving networks2001/05/01538
Tellurium substitution effect on superconductivity of the α-phase iron selenide2008/10/20530
Superconductivity at 25 K in hole-doped (La 1-x Sr x )OFeAs2008/03/26518