Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Matrix solutions of diffusion equation2002/06/01English
Modeling the aggregative behavior of ants of the species Polyergus rufescens2000/03/01English
Time-periodic oscillations in suspension bridges: existence of unique solutions2000/09/01English
On the rate of convergence of infinite horizon discounted optimal value functions2000/12/01English
On stability and hypercyclicity for cell population models2000/06/01English
Wave speeds in delayed diffusion equations with ignition and degenerate nonlinearitiesEnglish
Lyapunov-type stability criterion for periodic generalized Camassa–Holm equations2023/12/01English
Special issue on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Professor Siegfried Carl2023/12/01English
Boundedness and persistence of traveling wave solutions for a non-cooperative lattice-diffusion system with time delay2024/02/01English
The global classical solution to compressible system with fractional viscous term2024/02/01English
Convergence to a terrace solution in multistable reaction–diffusion equation with discontinuities2023/12/01English
Structural stability and rate of convergence of global attractors2023/12/01English
Dynamics of nonlocal and local SIR diffusive epidemic model with free boundaries2023/12/01English
Multiple solutions for quasilinear elliptic systems involving variable exponents2023/06/01English
On global classical solutions of the three dimensional non-relativistic Vlasov–Darwin System2023/06/01English
Well-posed constrainted problems with applications in contact mechanics2023/08/01English
Long time behavior for the critical modified surface quasi-geostrophic equation2023/08/01English
Global strong solutions to the viscous liquid–gas two-phase flow model with slip boundary conditions in 3D exterior domains2023/06/01English
Coexistence of two species with intra- and interspecific competition in an unstirred chemostatEnglish
The effects of diffusion and advection on the dynamics of a Lotka–Volterra competition systemEnglish
Convergence of a double step scheme for a class of second order Clarke subdifferential inclusionsEnglish
Rigorous estimates for the quasi-steady state approximation of the Michaelis–Menten reaction mechanism at low enzyme concentrationsEnglish
Global well-posedness and vanishing parameters limits for the systems of ferrohydrodynamicsEnglish
Rotation number and eigenvalues of two-component modified Camassa–Holm equationsEnglish
Ill-posedness for the Euler–Poincaré equations in Besov spaces2024/04/01English
The logistic problem with nonlinear directed advection2024/04/01English
Global strong solutions for compressible nematic liquid crystal flows2024/04/01English
Boundedness on a fully parabolic singular chemotaxis system with indirect signal production and logistic source2024/02/01English
Quasi-neutral limit for the full Euler–Poisson system in one-dimensional space2024/02/01English
Global bounded weak solution for a 3D chemotaxis-Stokes system with slow p-Laplacian diffusion and rotation2024/04/01English