Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Pluralism in the determination of deathEnglish
Insights into control over cognitive flexibility from studies of task-switching2024/02/01English
Editorial Board2023/12/01English
Impact of cerebellar-specific genetic and circuit manipulations on the behavioral phenotype and cerebellar physiology in murine autism models2024/02/01English
Flexibility as a matter of context, effort, and ability: evidence from the task-switching paradigm2024/02/01English
Editorial Board2024/04/01English
Diencephalic modulation of the hippocampus in affective and cognitive behaviorEnglish
Modelling cognitive flexibility with deep neural networksEnglish
Examining cognitive flexibility and stability through the lens of dynamical systemsEnglish
Reinforcement learning and meta-decision-makingEnglish
The subcortex as a trainer for cortical automaticityEnglish
The cerebellar nuclei take center stageEnglish
Editorial Board2024/02/01English
From tripping and falling to ruminating and worrying: a meta-control account of repetitive negative thinking2024/04/01English
Infrahumanization: a restrospective on 20 years of empirical research2023/04/01English
Editorial Board2023/04/01English
Bridging the gap: (a)typical psychedelic and near-death experience insights2024/02/01English
Reducing dehumanisation through virtual reality: prospects and pitfalls2023/08/01English
Editorial Board2023/06/01English
Editorial Board2023/02/01English
The mathematical brain at rest2023/02/01English
Stress, resilience, and coping resources in the context of war, terror, and migrationEnglish
The vertebrate retina: a window into the evolution of computation in the brainEnglish
Diversity of the nature of input and output signals in the cerebellum suggests a diversity of functionEnglish
Radical flexibility of neural representation in frontoparietal cortex and the challenge of linking it to behaviourEnglish
Cognition is an emergent propertyEnglish
Recent advancements in optimising transcranial electrical stimulation: reducing response variability through individualised stimulation2024/04/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English
Methods for cerebellar imaging: cerebellar subdivision2023/10/01English
Short review article: cerebellum and social behavior2023/10/01English