IET Software

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Progress on approaches to software defect prediction2018/06/01English107
Which battery model to use?2009/01/01English105
Agile methods in European embedded software development organisations: a survey on the actual use and usefulness of Extreme Programming and Scrum2008/01/01English46
Requirements elicitation techniques: a systematic literature review based on the maturity of the techniques2018/08/01English46
Automated software test optimisation framework – an artificial bee colony optimisation-based approach2010/01/01English44
Empirical investigation of success factors for offshore software development outsourcing vendors2012/01/01English43
Systematic review of success factors and barriers for software process improvement in global software development2016/10/01English41
Empirical study of Sommerville and Sawyer's requirements engineering practices2009/01/01English36
Shaping human capital in software development teams: the case of mentoring enabled by semantics2010/01/01English33
Systematic literature review of preprocessing techniques for imbalanced data2019/12/01English33
Establishing trust in offshore software outsourcing relationships: an exploratory study using a systematic literature review2013/10/01English31
Validation of web service compositions2007/01/01English30
Systematic literature study for dimensional classification of success factors affecting process improvement in global software development: client–vendor perspective2018/08/01English28
Feature extraction based on information gain and sequential pattern for English question classification2018/12/01English28
Intercultural challenges in offshore software development outsourcing relationships: an exploratory study using a systematic literature review2014/08/01English27
Analytic Hierarchy Process Based Prioritisation and Taxonomy of Success Factors for Scaling Agile Methods in Global Software Development2020/08/01English27
Early stage software effort estimation using random forest technique based on use case points2016/02/01English27
Empirical investigation of the challenges of the existing tools used in global software development projects2015/10/01English26
Reflections on the NASA MDP data sets2012/01/01English26
The Impact of Sentiment Orientations on Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns through Text Analytics2017/10/01English25
Comparative analysis of soft computing techniques for predicting software effort based use case points2018/02/01English24
Within‐project and cross‐project just‐in‐time defect prediction based on denoising autoencoder and convolutional neural network2020/06/01English24
Systematic literature review: teaching novices programming using robots2012/01/01English23
Judy – a mutation testing tool for Java2010/01/01English22
Improving software security awareness using a serious game2019/04/01English21
Increasing the accuracy of software development effort estimation using projects clustering2012/01/01English21
Automatic test case generation using unified modeling language (UML) state diagrams2008/01/01English21
Critical success factors for offshore software outsourcing contract management from vendors’ perspective: an exploratory study using a systematic literature review2013/12/01English20
Survey of component-based software development2007/04/01English20
Privacy preserving big data publishing: a scalable k ‐anonymization approach using MapReduce2017/10/01English20