Journal of African Cultural Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rethinking African culture and identity: the Afropolitan model2014/03/14English63
African cuisines: Recipes for nationbuilding?2000/12/01English57
The myths surrounding people with albinism in South Africa and Zimbabwe2010/11/15English53
Sheng: Peer language, Swahili dialect or emerging Creole?2002/12/01English42
‘Why I am (still) not an Afropolitan’2015/11/09English42
Dakar Wolof and the configuration of an urban identity2001/12/01English35
Cosmopolitanism with African roots. Afropolitanism's ambivalent mobilities2015/11/11English33
Homi Bhabha's Third Space and African identity2009/06/01English31
The politics of Afropolitanism2016/01/02English27
Frog, where are you?: the ethnopragmatics of Ibibio death prevention names2014/11/26English26
‘We, Afropolitans’2015/11/09English25
Nairobi is a shot of whisky: queer (Ob) scenes in the city2018/06/14English24
‘Miraa is cool’: the cultural importance of miraa(khat)for Tigania and Igembe youth in Kenya*2005/12/01English24
The figure of the adventurer as an African migrant2013/03/07English23
Part-Time Africans, Europolitans and ‘Africa lite’2015/11/09English23
Caught between a rock and a hard place: navigating global research partnerships in the global South as an indigenous researcher2019/07/05English23
Africans filming Africa: Questioning theories of an authentic African cinema2000/12/01English22
Agency in tight corners: Narrative and initiative in African history2000/06/01English21
The cinematic township: cinematic representations of the ‘township space’ and who can claim the rights to representation in post-apartheid South African cinema2007/06/01English19
Exorcizing the future: Afropolitanism's spectral origins2015/11/09English19
An historical‐anthropological approach to Islam in Ethiopia: issues of identity and politics*1998/12/01English17
Rethinking indigenous media: rituals, ‘talking’ drums and orality as forms of public communication in Uganda2003/06/01English17
Afropolitanism as critical consciousness: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's and Teju Cole's internet presence2015/12/22English16
A literature review: Nigerian and Ghanaian videos2010/06/01English16
“My Flight Arrives at 5 am, Can You Pick Me Up?”: The Gatekeeping Burden of the African Academic2021/05/17English16
The politics of architecture and urbanism in postcolonial Lagos, 1960–19862007/12/01English15
Against collaboration – or the native who wanders off2019/07/08English14
Mapping emerging constructions of good time girls in Kenyan popular media2014/07/28English14
New names, translational subjectivities: (Dis)location and (Re)naming in NoViolet Bulawayo'sWe Need New Names2015/01/06English14
Toxification of national holidays and national identity in Zimbabwe's post-2000 nationalism2015/07/01English14