IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Advanced Demand Side Management for the Future Smart Grid Using Mechanism Design2012/09/019
Development of an Optimal Vehicle-to-Grid Aggregator for Frequency Regulation2010/06/018
Dependable Demand Response Management in the Smart Grid: A Stackelberg Game Approach2013/03/018
Integrated Electricity and Hydrogen Energy Sharing in Coupled Energy Systems2021/03/018
Decentralized P2P Energy Trading Under Network Constraints in a Low-Voltage Network2019/09/018
Stealthy Black-Box Attacks on Deep Learning Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Models2021/07/018
A Clarke Transformation-Based DFT Phasor and Frequency Algorithm for Wide Frequency Range2018/01/018
Low-Carbon Operation of Multiple Energy Systems Based on Energy-Carbon Integrated Prices2020/03/018
Multiperiod Distribution System Restoration With Routing Repair Crews, Mobile Electric Vehicles, and Soft-Open-Point Networked Microgrids2020/11/018
Short-Term Load Forecasting With Deep Residual Networks2019/07/018
Management and Control of Domestic Smart Grid Technology2010/09/018
Smart Grid Communication: Its Challenges and Opportunities2013/03/018
Equivalence of Virtual Synchronous Machines and Frequency-Droops for Converter-Based MicroGrids2014/01/018
A Novel Peer-to-Peer Local Electricity Market for Joint Trading of Energy and Uncertainty2020/03/018
Adaptive Power System Emergency Control Using Deep Reinforcement Learning2020/03/018
Developing a Hybrid Intrusion Detection System Using Data Mining for Power Systems2015/11/018
Enhanced Virtual Synchronous Generator Control for Parallel Inverters in Microgrids2017/09/018
An Evaluation of the HVAC Load Potential for Providing Load Balancing Service2012/09/018
Hierarchical Structure of Microgrids Control System2012/12/018
Optimal Charging Strategies for Unidirectional Vehicle-to-Grid2011/03/018
Hierarchical Control of Parallel AC-DC Converter Interfaces for Hybrid Microgrids2014/03/018
Short-Term Load Forecast of Microgrids by a New Bilevel Prediction Strategy2010/12/017
Robust Optimization Based Optimal DG Placement in Microgrids2014/09/017
Single-Phase On-Board Bidirectional PEV Charger for V2G Reactive Power Operation2015/03/017
Carbon Emission Flow From Generation to Demand: A Network-Based Model2015/09/017
Stochastic Energy Scheduling in Microgrids With Intermittent Renewable Energy Resources2014/07/017
Energy Theft Detection Using Gradient Boosting Theft Detector With Feature Engineering-Based Preprocessing2019/03/017
A Multiagent-Based Hierarchical Energy Management Strategy for Multi-Microgrids Considering Adjustable Power and Demand Response2018/03/017
Transient Stability Analysis and Control Design of Droop-Controlled Voltage Source Converters Considering Current Limitation2019/01/017
A Survey of Distributed Optimization and Control Algorithms for Electric Power Systems2017/11/017