IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dynamic Clusters Supported Bi-Level Control System With Lower Communication Requirements for a Distribution Network With Distributed Battery and Photovoltaic Systems2024/01/01
A Combined Bus Port Impedance Based Stability Criterion for DC Distribution Power Systems2024/01/01
Hierarchical Control of Inverter Air Conditioners for Frequency Regulation Service of Islanded Microgrids With Fair Power Participation2024/01/01
Region of Attraction Estimation for Large-Scale DC Microgrids With Low Computations2024/01/01
Grid2Vec: Learning Node Representations of Digital Power Systems for Anomaly Detection2024/01/01
Defining and Characterizing Resilient Region of Interdependent Gas and Power Networks Under Extreme Events2024/01/01
A Novel Reinforcement-Learning-Based Compensation Strategy for DMPC-Based Day-Ahead Energy Management of Shipboard Power Systems2024/01/01
Offline DRL for Price-Based Demand Response: Learning From Suboptimal Data and Beyond2024/01/01
Iterative Observer-Based Resilient Control for Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids Under FDI Attacks2024/01/01
Optimal Design of Volt/VAR Control Rules of Inverters using Deep Learning2024/01/01
Electricity Theft Detection Based on Contrastive Learning and Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring2023/11/01
A Consensus-Based Distributed Secondary Control Optimization Strategy for Hybrid Microgrids2023/11/01
Sequential Load Restoration With Soft Open Points and Time-Dependent Cold Load Pickup for Resilient Distribution Systems2023/09/01
An Underestimated Cybersecurity Problem: Quick-Impact Time Synchronization Attacks and a Fast-Triggered Detection Method2023/11/01
Estimation Error Cost Optimization of Demand Side Management Based on Massive MIMO Communication Network in Smart Grid2023/11/01
Three-Stage Stochastic Unit Commitment for Microgrids Toward Frequency Security via Renewable Energy Deloading2023/11/01
PV Inverter-Based Fair Power Quality Control2023/09/01
Novel Source-Storage Coordination Strategy Adaptive to Impulsive Generation Characteristic Suitable for Isolated Island Microgrid Scheduling2023/09/01
Real-Time Incentive Design Under Unknown Demand Response Curves via a Proportional–Integral Control Frameworks2023/09/01
Detection of Electric Bicycle Indoor Charging for Electrical Safety: A NILM Approach2023/09/01
A Time Efficient Factorial Hidden Markov Model-Based Approach for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring2023/09/01
Demand Response Potential Evaluation of Aggregated High-Speed Trains Toward Power System Operation2023/09/01
Synchronization Stability of Grid-Following VSC Considering Interactions of Inner Current Loop and Parallel-Connected Converters2023/11/01
Modified Matrix Completion-Based Detection of Stealthy Data Manipulation Attacks in Low Observable Distribution Systems2023/11/01
Energy Optimization Management Strategy for DC Nano-Grid Cluster With High Comprehensive Energy Efficiency2023/11/01
Co-Optimizing Bidding and Power Allocation of an EV Aggregator Providing Real-Time Frequency Regulation Service2023/11/01
Reevaluating Contour Visualizations for Power Systems Data2023/11/01
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Publication Information2023/03/01
Table of Contents2023/03/01
A Generalizable Method for Practical Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring via Metric-Based Meta-Learning2024/01/01