International Studies Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Globalization and Policy Convergence2001/06/01English247
Understanding the Domestic Impact of International Norms: A Research Agenda2000/06/01English186
Where Do the Peacekeepers Go?12003/12/01English158
Political Marginalization, Climate Change, and Conflict in African Sahel States2010/03/01English141
Sanctions Sometimes Smart: Targeted Sanctions in Theory and Practice2011/03/01English134
Chinese Visions of World Order: Post-hegemonic or a New Hegemony?2008/12/01English123
Realist Constructivism2003/09/01English123
Truth-Seeking, Truth-Telling, and Postconflict Peacebuilding: Curb the Enthusiasm?12004/09/01English118
Transnational Public-Private Partnerships in International Relations: Making Sense of Concepts, Research Frameworks, and Results2009/09/01English114
Crisis Early Warning and Decision Support: Contemporary Approaches and Thoughts on Future Research2010/03/01English109
A Foreign Policy Analysis Perspective on the Domestic Politics Turn in IR Theory2015/03/17English98
Theorizing States’ Emotions12011/09/01English95
Inequality and Theorizing in International Relations: The Case for Subaltern Realism2002/01/01English95
Reflexivity in Practice: Power and Ethics in Feminist Research on International Relations2008/12/01English94
A Relational Theory of World Politics2016/03/01English94
The House of IR: From Family Power Politics to the Poisies of Worldism12004/12/01English93
What Causes Civil Wars? Integrating Quantitative Research Findings2009/12/01English91
Managing Transboundary Crises: What Role for the European Union?2008/03/01English89
What Best Explains Successful Protest Cascades? ICTs and the Fuzzy Causes of the Arab Spring2013/03/01English89
Religion as an Overlooked Element of International Relations2001/12/01English87
Toward a Post-Western IR: TheUmma,Khalsa Panth, and Critical International Relations Theory12008/12/01English86
Who Leads Matters: The Effects of Powerful Individuals2001/09/01English85
Explaining the Intractability of Territorial Conflict12003/12/01English83
Advancing Global IR: Challenges, Contentions, and Contributions2016/02/19English81
Capabilities and Social Justice2002/09/01English78
The New Sovereignty in International Relations12003/09/01English77
Constitutionalizing Inequality and the Clash of Globalizations2002/09/01English76
From Cyber-Bombs to Political Fallout: Threat Representations with an Impact in the Cyber-Security Discourse2013/03/01English73
Promise and Pitfalls of Terrorism Research2011/03/22English70
International Peacebuilding and Local Success: Assumptions and Effectiveness2017/02/09English69