Quarterly Review of Film and Video

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Semiotic Analysis of Julian Rosefeldt’s Manifesto2019/08/05English
Causes of the Production Discontinuance of Iranian Films During 1937–19482019/08/02English
Shiri (1999) and the Reunifying Korean Romantic Fantasy of Namnambungnyŏ2019/10/12English
Something Out of Nothing: Or, the Essence of Cinema2019/10/25English
Tren de Sombras: El Espectro de le Thuit: Memory, Genre and Film Technology2019/02/17English
Restored, Revived, Resplendent2018/11/17English
Film Rhythm and the Aporetics of Temporality2019/02/17English
The Psychosocial Image2019/04/03English
Manhattan of the 1970s: Between the Memory of the Underground and the Cinema of Gentrification2019/04/03English
The Best of 20172018/04/03English
A Real Swinger of a Nightmare: Frank Sinatra and the Grim Side of the WWII Veteran’s Story2019/05/22English
Alternative Gazes, Aesthetics, and Affects inILove Dick2019/05/17English
Weber, Smalley, and Company2018/07/04English
Making a Meal of the Law: Hannibal, Taste and the Limits of Legality2018/08/18English
Quality Television (TV) Eats Itself: The TV-Auteur and the Promoted Fanboy2018/08/18English
Afterthoughts on “Queer Cannibals and Deviant Detectives,” Inspired byHannibalSeason 32018/08/18English
Cannibalizing Montage: Slicing, Dicing, and Splicing in Bryan Fuller’sHannibal2018/08/18English
The Best of 20192020/02/13English
Mizoguchi, Melodrama, and the Psychology of Nature: Exploring Relationships Between Worlds in Kenji Mizoguchi’sMusashino Fujin(1951)2018/11/29English
African Cinema and Human Rights2020/10/12English
The Logic of the Cinematic in Portrait of a Lady on Fire2020/10/12English
The Carriage Driver in the Pink Frame of Neorealism2020/07/01English
The Film T-34 as a Pseudohistoric Drama2020/07/06English
“Freeze Frame”: Reanimating the “Ice Men” of the Cinema2020/07/06English
When Animals Take Over: The Post-Pandemic Backlash2020/06/05English
Intimate Objects: Post-Network Television and the Object-Oriented Aesthetics of Breaking Bad2020/06/04English
The Other in Game of Thrones: A Levinasian Ethical Reading2021/06/08English
Criterion’s Collections2021/05/31English
Beyond Nazisploitation, or the Complications of Nazism: Cinematic Representations by Lars von Trier, Volker Schlöndorff, and Quentin Tarantino2021/06/08English